Thursday, October 13, 2011

{Coaches Corner}: Introduction and an Incredible Video

I have decided to start a new series on the blog every Thursday entitled "Coaches Corner."

My hope is that it will become a place where coaches can take refuge each week. A place where they can find encouragement and hope in what can be an otherwise tough, stressful and thankless job at times.

Believe me. I have been there.

My plan is to send you into the weekend {as you head into the big game} with a combination of motivational thoughts/quotes and team-building ideas mixed in with a little humor.

Also, please leave comments with any thoughts that you have that might be of help to your fellow coaches. Just make sure to keep them family-friendly! If you have a blog of your own, feel free to write related posts and link them up here.

And if you are a coach, make sure to join the Worthy of the Prize {Coaches} facebook group. A place designed for coaches to encourage {minister to} and network with one another. Please invite your fellow coaches to join as well!

While you are there, "like" the Worthy of the Prize Sports Ministries facebook page for discounts, giveaways and other information pertaining to our sports ministry!

In closing, I leave you with this incredible video, a MUST see! It will take less than 6 minutes of your time to watch and it is well worth it. Seriously. Watch it. And then show it to your team.

{be sure to scroll down and pause the music player before watching the video}

There really are no words. My prayer is that we all live with the character and integrity displayed by the girls in this video. This is truly what it is all about.

Try not to get caught up in "winning." Instead, remember why you got into coaching in the first place---to make a difference in the lives of kids. For love of the game, teach them what the game is really about. Prepare them to be successful in life because for most of your athletes, their time on the court will be but a moment compared to the rest of their life.

And on a different note, this video is a glimpse of what Christ did for us on the cross. Literally, He took our place. The only difference is, we didn't deserve it.

Goodluck this weekend, coaches! May you have success with your team---on and off the court!

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