Monday, December 12, 2011

{Day 11}: To Give or To Get? That is the Question.

Physical Fitness:

100 stairs
10 super-slow squats
10 super-slow crunches
10 super-slow reverse push-ups
30 quick calf raises {straight, in, out}
1:00 plank

Spiritual Fitness:

I have seen this floating around facebook.

I think it speaks for itself.

For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. {Matthew 20:28}

Still looking for ideas on how you can serve others this Christmas season?

It is not too late to Gift A Box through Operation Christmas Child online. This is one of my absolute favorite ministries. We build a box together as a family every year at Christmas-time for a child in need. It really teaches the boys about giving. You can even gift one in honor of someone else.

Or you could give a Gift of Compassion to a child in need or sponsor a child through Compassion International. We sponsor Edwin in Uganda and it is such a neat ministry to do as a family. We pray for him at the dinner table and have the opportunity to write him letters and send him gifts. It is so cute to see the boys draw him pictures and pray for him.

Also, read this post from one of my favorite bloggers Walking in Grace and Beauty and think about doing a random act of kindness this Christmas season! How fun would that be?! I am going to try to do one this week and will let you know how it goes.

Finally, don't forget to make plans to enter for a chance to win 2 $50 Visa giftcards. Go here for details.

How is your 25 Days of Fitness journey going so far? Leave me some comments here or on our facebook page.

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