Thursday, January 26, 2012

{Compassion International}: Just a Minute

Her name is Dianne. She is the realtor who sold us our house a year and a half ago. She just happens to be a member of the large church that my husband had recently accepted a position with, as the new worship pastor.

It was a divine encounter. Unexplainable - were it not for a God of compassion.

I had just completed the hardest thing I had ever done in my life - moving north, far from family, friends and all that is familiar - taking my boys away from their grandparents and cousins {aka. best friends}...

...when in walks Dianne. My angel.

 A sweet Southern woman, with that familiar Texas drawl I have known and loved my entire life - 30 years my senior but full of charm and a kindred spirit none the less - lover of all things Tex-Mex, sweet tea, Johnny Cash and Southern living. What a marvelous combination.

And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. {Philippians 4:19}

In just one moment, she changed my life. For the better.

She has walked with me through some of my darkest days. The ultimate prayer warrior. And boy do I have some stories to tell about the miracles we have seen the Lord perform through those faithful prayers. I would not want to imagine my life without her.

What about you? Has anyone changed your life in just one moment?

Dr. Wess Stafford, president of Compassion International, recently released his second book, Just a Minute. In this book he contends that it takes just one moment for anyone to positively impact the life of a child. 

Wess has a stunning story of such a moment. Take a few minutes now to watch him as he tells his story about the power of just one moment. 

{scroll down and hit pause on the music player before watching the video}

Wow. Big A and I never want to stifle the passions, hopes and dreams that God is cultivating inside of Little A and Little E. Please Lord, help us to remember...

Every child is a divine encounter. {Wess Stafford}

...even our Compassion child Edwin, who lives in Uganda. Bless him. Protect him. Reveal yourself to him. Meet all his needs according to your glorious riches in Christ Jesus. Use us to bring joy into his life and to point him to our savior. Please allow us to meet him in person someday.



  1. Thanks for this post--such a terrific book. Just a Minute didn’t just touch my heart, it stirred me to action. It’s a great collection of stories of pivotal moments when someone spoke a word of encouragement, or noticed a child, or named that child’s strength—and the results lasted forever.

  2. Thanks for your comment K.L - and for stopping by! I love meeting new friends! :)


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