Monday, October 15, 2012

Chocolate Covered (Football) Strawberries

This is such a simple way to dress up any game day party this fall...


-fresh strawberries
-melting chocolate
-a tube of white icing
-wax paper


1. Wash the strawberries and let them dry. (Do not slice them and be sure to keep leaves on them for dipping)

2. Melt the chocolate (follow instructions on package). Make sure to use a brown chocolate (not white chocolate) if you want them to look like footballs.

3. Hold strawberries by the leaves and dip them into melted chocolate, leaving only the tops uncovered.

4. Place strawberries onto wax paper immediately after dipping. (Seriously, do not skip the wax paper or you will be sorry. The melted chocolate will stick like glue to anything else. Wait until the chocolate hardens before you move the strawberries off of the wax paper)

5. Carefully squeeze white icing onto each strawberry, to look like laces.

Enjoy! :)

You can refrigerate them and serve later but I recommend serving immediately because the strawberries will begin to "sweat" upon refrigeration. They are still delicious that way, but the presentation is not quite as good and they don't "melt in your mouth" like they do when they are freshly made.

By the way, these were a HUGE hit at my house! All of my boys love chocolate...and strawberries...and football! And I do too!

What about you? Do you have any fun ideas for "dressing up a tailgate" or any other fabulous fall ideas that you would like to share? Leave a comment!

Go here for more ways to make your game day parties a hit!

About the Author: Erin Vick Franklin is the founder and director of Worthy of the Prize. Erin has a BBA in Marketing and Management from TCU and a Masters of Christian Education in Church Recreation from Southwestern Seminary. She is a published, award-winning author and poet. Purchase her book Worthy of the Prize Sports Camps: A Church's Guide to Implementing an Effective, Community-Reaching Christian Sports Camp to be used as an outreach tool for your church or mission organization. Erin is the wife of A, a Worship Pastor, and a work-at-home-momma to 2 crazy little boys, a and e.

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