Monday, October 8, 2012

{Hope for the Home}: Fall Focus on God

When I sat down this week to think about what I wanted to say, I kind of drew a blank. Just being honest here, people! But then, as I looked around at my house freshly decorated for fall, the Lord spoke something to my heart. 

I love fall. Love it. My obsession with pumpkins is no secret, I love the smell of fall in the air, and I definitely love all of the fun activities. The thing is, life can get busy. Real busy. And as I look around my house, I realize that I have made it look "pretty," but I have done nothing to remind my boys (and myself) that this season is a blessing from God and we should be thankful every day for that. I haven't done anything to slow down for a minute and enjoy this season as God's creation. It may seem silly, but I think that purposely creating a space that points to our relationship with God is so important! After all, you focus on what you surround yourself with daily.

So...what's a girl to do? Turn to Pinterest of course. Ha! As I started looking, I realize that there are lots of simple ways to add daily reminders, and a touch of beauty, to our home this season. Check it out!

This thankful garland is beautiful and a great way to focus daily on our many blessings!

I think this hand print wreath is so cute...and a great way to remind young ones to count their blessings!

A fall advent activity. I love it...and it's a great way to slow down and count your blessings as a family.

These are pretty self explanatory, and I think they are so pretty!

Happy Fall, friends!

Go here for more ways to make God apart of your everyday life and home!

About the Author: Amanda writes about family, crafting, and everything in between over at her blog, The McLife. She is a Texas girl by birth living in Mississippi with her husband, Mike, and two sons, Max and Ben. In a past life she was a school librarian, but now she spends her days as a stay-at-home mom and wouldn't have it any other way. 


  1. Oh heavens - you make me long to get my Fall garland and decor up. It made it out of the attic to the garage -- now to get it in the house. Beautiful site and fall encouragement. Stopping by from #31 days.


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