Thursday, November 15, 2012

a little tour of our "thankful" home

Thanksgiving is in full swing around here!

We have had fall decor up for a few months now, but I added a little Thanksgiving touch about a week ago, to remind us to count our blessings!

We leave for Texas in a few days, to spend the holiday with my family at our ranch, so I wanted to make sure we had plenty of time to celebrate as a little family of 4 here in our home before we head out. Because as soon as we return, it will be time to "deck the halls" for Christmas!

I had  to dig a little to find everything, since this is our first holiday season in our new home, but I think it was worth it!

Our little "thankful" banner made for us by 517 Creations. It hangs in our home this time of year to remind us of a loving God who pours out His mercy and grace, love and many blessings upon us. A God who watches over and protects us.

Our table of thanks. The perfect size for our little family.

To create a similar look, purchase DaySpring's Ever Grateful Collection, now 50% off. The tall centerpiece is a Pinterest find from last fall. You simply put a candle in a clear vase and surround it with corn kernels. So easy and inexpensive!

In this shot you can see the window clings that the boys decorated our back door with. I found them in the $1 bins at Target. So fun!

Here is a closer look.

This cute little owl banner hangs over the bar where the boys usually eat, do homework, etc. It is another Target $1 bin find. So cute!

Just a cute little wooden pumpkin, to remind us of God's provision.

I am in love with this little owl candle that I got at Target a few years ago! Adorable!

Little E decided to "help" with the decorating. :)

Our little "thankful" turkey, also made by 517 Creations. Every year we fill it with blessings, together as a family, sometime during the Thanksgiving season.

My little turkeys! :)

And just for little Indian. We got to eat lunch with him today at school for his class Thanksgiving feast. He is called "Green Grass." :)

Our Thanksgiving scripture. It sits in our kitchen to remind us where our blessings come from! The memo board is a piece of DaySpring's Ever Grateful Collection. I love changing out the message every season!

Go here for 10 more ways to a thankful home and here to see my favorite Thanksgiving pins. Check out some of our favorite Thanksgiving ideas here and our Thanksgiving pin board here.

Happy Thanksgiving, friends! May you have a blessed holiday, surrounded by loved ones, remembering all that God has done for you!

About the Author: Erin Vick Franklin is the founder and director of Worthy of the Prize. Erin has a BBA in Marketing and Management from TCU and a Masters of Christian Education in Church Recreation from Southwestern Seminary. She is a published, award-winning author and poet. Purchase her book Worthy of the Prize Sports Camps: A Church's Guide to Implementing an Effective, Community-Reaching Christian Sports Camp to be used as an outreach tool for your church or mission organization. Erin is the wife of A, a Worship Pastor, and a work-at-home-momma to 2 crazy little boys, a and e.

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