Monday, December 17, 2012

{Hope for the Home}: The Christmas Story

Is it just me, or does Christmas seem to get busier and busier every year? There are places to go, people to visit, activities galore. Now that our family is growing, I find myself desiring to slow down and make sure I am creating memories and traditions with my family. Not only that, but I also find myself constantly wondering if I am doing enough during the Christmas season to begin to teach my children what Christmas is all about.

In the coming years, there will be plenty of time for more complicated and time consuming traditions. But right now, we are keeping it simple! So, I thought that today I would share an incredibly easy tradition that is easy to fit into this busy holiday season and reminds us about the true meaning of Christmas. 

We simply read the Christmas story together.

I first heard my husband read the particular version of this story shown above on stage at a Christmas party before I even knew him. Now, it sits on our table every Christmas, and we like to read it each Christmas Eve. It is a tradition we will continue with our family for years to come. We like this particular Christmas story because it uses the actual Christmas story scripture along with illustrations. Perfect for our growing family!

Go here for more ways to make God apart of your everyday life and home! 

About the Author: Amanda writes about family, crafting, and everything in between over at her blog, The McLife. She is a Texas girl by birth living in Mississippi with her husband, Mike, and two sons, Max and Ben. In a past life she was a school librarian, but now she spends her days as a stay-at-home mom and wouldn't have it any other way. 

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