Friday, December 28, 2012

Random Acts of Christmas Kindness #2

Because the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad cold virus knocked us out for an entire week, leaving me with bronchitis which lasted another week or more...we only ended up being able to complete 2 random acts of Christmas kindness this holiday season.

The week before Christmas, the boys and I made homemade gingerbread playdoh which we wrapped up with cookie cutters to be delivered to children in the foster care system, who are about to be permantly severed from their biological families. :( We hope these little gifts brought them joy this Christmas!

And even though the season of giving has come to an end, I plan to continue teaching the boys the importance of giving through random acts of kindness all year long! In fact, de-clutter mode is in full effect at our house...we are purging everything in sight, planning to make several trips to goodwill in the process. It is such a joy to hear my oldest tell me that he wants to give his stuff to "kids who don't have anything."

I will let you know what other random acts of kindness we come up with along the way and I hope you will do the same!

About the Author: Erin Vick Franklin is the founder and director of Worthy of the Prize. Erin has a BBA in Marketing and Management from TCU and a Masters of Christian Education in Church Recreation from Southwestern Seminary. She is a published, award-winning author and poet. Purchase her book Worthy of the Prize Sports Camps: A Church's Guide to Implementing an Effective, Community-Reaching Christian Sports Camp to be used as an outreach tool for your church or mission organization. Erin is the wife of A, a Worship Pastor, and a work-at-home-momma to 2 crazy little boys, a and e.

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