Wednesday, January 2, 2013

January Chosen Child Family!

Start off the new year with supporting our newest adoption family THE BERNARD'S!!!! This family is really growing and is getting ready to add one more to their family! Here is a little about the Bernards:
"Paul and Shecki have been parenting a long time, starting with their 7 biological children.  In 2010, they adopted their daughter, Hannah, from China.  They knew before they left that they would be back someday for a Chinese sibling for her.  Now they are paperchasing for Katie, age 2, who shares Hannah's special need of limb differences, and has club foot, as well.  They hope to travel in May or June.

 Their blog is:  They would love to have you follow along on their journey!"  

I had the chance to ready over their blog and it was really moving to see how much love they already have for Katie. I encourage  all of our followers to go to their blog and read more about their precious Katie!
Ways that you can support is buying:
 Image of {Chosen Child} Adoption Band
 A Chosen Child Band for your wallet or keys from our store  or you can buy a Chosen Child Necklace from Cap Creations and they will donate also to this family!

Chosen (Adoption Necklace)
This is a picture of their precious Katie they are waiting to join them soon!
If you are interested in being a 2013 Chosen Child adoption family please e-mail to find out more information!

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