Thursday, October 28, 2010

A New Family

Meet our 18th family!!

Howdy Ya’ll! We are from a small town in Texas and we have been married for 11 years. We are blessed to have 3 amazing kids, Brittney (21), Daniel(16), and Grace (8). Our family is a testimony to how amazing God’s grace is and what wonders He can do with a blended family.

With our oldest daughter approaching the age of marriage we honestly never thought we would be adding another member to our family, unless it was a grandbaby! However, God had different plans. It’s been almost 10 months ago now that God laid an incredible burden for the orphans of this world on my heart. Like Sarah in the bible, I laughed when I felt He was leading us down this path and promised to ‘pray’ about it. Over the next several months that burden deepened and God truly broke my heart for these children. I did not seek out His plan as steadfastly as I should have and yet He still brought me face-to-face with information, people, adoptees, and offered confirmation in my daily life that led me time and again back to these tiny people.

When we as a family begin to talk and pray about adopting, there was no doubt in any of our minds that this was where God was leading us…and the confirmations kept coming. We really began to understand the charge in the Word to look after the widows, homeless and orphans.

We are excited and terrified at this prospect! More than all of that, we are holding fast to the promises that God has made for us…and for this little person. A promise for a 'hope and a future.' And so we step out in faith trusting that He will make a way where there seems to be no way.

Thank you for being willing to share in our journey.

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