Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Books Worth Reading

Over the past year or so I have read a few books that I HIGHLY recommend!

A MUST read if you have a boy!! And for you moms of girls, Dobson just came out with "Bringing Up Girls" within the last few months! Don't miss out on his wisdom!

A MUST MUST MUST read if you have a strong-willed child! By the way, if you are not sure whether or not you have a strong-willed child, then believe DO NOT have one! You would know!

A MUST read for any pastor's wife..and really for anyone who wants to better understand their pastors' wives! This book brought me comfort and LAUGHTER during a time when I needed it most! You pastor's wives know...ministry ain't so pretty sometimes!

A MUST read for any woman, especially if you are a MOM! Warning: MUST read with a BOX of tissues!

FANTASTIC!! This book displays sports ministry in its purest, finest form and is the book that inspired us (confirmed our desire) to sponsor our Compassion Child "Edwin"!

I am currently reading this book...

I will let you know how it goes but I've heard it is FABULOUS!!

What books are a MUST-READ that YOU HIGHLY recommend?!!?

Leave me a comment, I LOVE to read (when I have time) and am always looking for a good book!

And since we are on the topic of books, I have some VERY exciting news to share...I just got word that Texas Rangers VP Jim Sundberg will write the foreword for my sports camp manual due to release in February!!!

(And what better timing than right after they win the American League and make their debut in the World Series!)

I am SO excited!! He is a great guy!

Maybe with his name on it I will actually sell a few copies! ;)

Stay tuned for more details!

1 comment:

  1. "The Shack" - I wish everyone would read this! It is so fantastic at examining tough questions about God - like why would a good God allow bad things to happen. LOVE.


What are your thoughts? Please leave a comment. I love reading them and I try to respond to each one!