Monday, November 22, 2010

NWA Boutique Show

MJ took our stuff to the NWA Boutique Show this past weekend and it was a HUGE success for us!

We will definitely be making our appearance there again in the future!

Highlight of the show: She got to meet Katie of Katie's Keepers! She was so in awe, she forgot to take a picture! Ha! ;)

Look at our cute booth....

Fit Band Christmas Tree :)

Fit Cards

Baby Gifts

And of course Razorback Bands (cause they are CRAZY about their Hogs over there!)

Didn't she do a fantastic job incorporating the Christmas theme into our booth decor?

She even made these fabulous little fabric Christmas trees! Love it!

She is SO talented! Ugh, sickening! ;)

I am SO lucky to have her as a friend and business partner!

And I SO wish I had an ounce of her talent (and patience) to do this kind of stuff!

If you have not already, you really need to check out her shop HERE!

I have ordered several things from her for Thanksgiving and Christmas this year!

Can't wait to show you when they arrive!

By the way, if you want something made that is not listed in her shop, just ask her!

She has made so many things for me that are not in her strap covers, hooded towels, time-out spots, banners...I just ask her if she can make it and she always says "Sure!"

If nothing else, order a Chosen Child {t-shirt} from her to benefit our adopting families!

And if you haven't figured it out by now, she is the one who makes our Fit Bands!

I write the Fit Cards!

What a team! :)

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