Monday, November 29, 2010


So, Thanksgiving was pretty much a bust this year in our household.

Now that we live so far from family, we had decided not to travel anywhere, we would just stay here and travel for Christmas instead.

Thankfully, one of the lovely families here in town had invited us to be apart of their Thanksgiving, along with one other family.

So we divided up the cooking and were all set to bring 3-4 dishes apiece.

Here is what I had planned to bring:

-green bean casserole
-cheese rolls
-banana pudding

It would have been a lovely meal.

They had even planned a few activities to keep the kiddos entertained!


Along came Mr. Stomach Bug!!!


Big A and Little A had some sort of stomach bug (which prevented us from going anywhere) while Little E and I recovered from a cold.

And I was the lucky one who got to take care of everyone!

So basically, we stayed home and did nothing.

I did run to the store and grabbed a few festive foods to put together a pathetic little meal, which was fine cause no one could really eat much of anything.

We did have a little surprise to brighten our holiday!

It snowed the night before Thanksgiving!!!

Just enough to enjoy!

It was our 1st official snow and the boys LOVED it!

Little A just wanted to make snowballs and throw them.

(He would have made a snowman too but there was not enough for that.)

Little E just wanted to eat it. (surprise, surprise)

It melted before we even went to bed but it did lift our spirits!

Things began to take a turn for the better by Saturday when we got out the Christmas decorations!

We had a great time listening to Christmas music, drinking hot chocolate and decorating the tree together!

Isn't it beautiful?

I love the reflection in the window.

Little A was done after he hung a few ornaments.

Little E, on the other hand, was fascinated!

He went back and forth all day taking ornaments off and putting them back on!

And don't you just love how the fireplace turned out?

All in all, I am very thankful that the 4 of us were together for the holiday and for the love of a Heavenly Father who has blessed us more than we could have ever imagined!

"Now, our God, we give YOU thanks, and praise YOUR glorious name!" (1 Chronicles 29:13)

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