Thursday, December 9, 2010

Day 11: Thursday {12/9/10}

Workout Routine for today---

-30 minutes on the elliptical

So far I have been doing pretty good with my eating/drinking!

I am eating alot of cereals and soups and drinking alot of water (sometimes with Crystal Light peach tea mix-ins) and diet DP!

Not super-healthy but definitely watching my calorie intake and eating alot less than normal...and drinking alot more than normal!

Spiritual Reflections for today---

Today's reading from One Incredible Moment is entitled "A Little Piece of Heaven" and it was the perfect day for me to read it because we experienced just that today...


As the evening went on we got more and more of it until a beautiful layer of snow covered everything in sight.

Tonight as I caught up on my blog reading, while drinking my peppermint hot chocolate, I could not help but feel as though I was in the midst of a winter wonderland!

My Christmas tree stood sparkling in front of a peaceful snowy backdrop that rested just beyond the windows.

"Why did he do it? Why wrap creation in such splendor? Why go to such trouble to give such gifts?"

"Why do you do it?"

Have you ever gone out of your way to find the perfect gift for that perfect someone?"

"You do it so the eyes will pop. You do it so the heart will stop. You do it so the jaw will drop. You do it to hear those words of disbelief, you did this for me?"

"And sometimes, out of his great wisdom, our Father in heaven gives us a piece of heaven just to show he cares."

Prayer for today---

Lord, thank you for your beautiful creation. May it always be a reminder that you love me and that you did it just for me. (and please help me to remember this a few weeks from now when there is lots and lots of snow for a long long time!) Amen.

P.S. I wanted to post this one on the main page so that ya'll could see the beautiful snow we got today!

(did you notice my little snow shovelers in the background?:)

To read the rest of my 25 Days of Fitness daily posts, go HERE!

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