Sunday, December 12, 2010

Day 14: Sunday {12/12/10}

So I had to post this 25 Days of Fitness update on the main page for this reason...

Blizzard Aiden
(over a foot of snow...4 foot drifts...temps in the single digits...wind chill below zero)

Apparently they name the blizzards here, like they do the hurricanes!

Here is what I posted on Facebook last night:

I feel like I've moved to Narnia...the cold, the snow, the little lamp post in my front yard...just waiting for Mr. Tumnus to show up!

And here is what my grandmother commented back:

Hurry back into the wardrobe!

And I think I will.

Hibernation begins now.

Wake me up when it's spring!!

Either that or I am flying south for the winter!

Obviously I did not leave the house today to go to the Y!

They even cancelled church!

Did I mention I have been fighting a cold for several days now??

Workout Routine for today---

-climbed 100 stairs

Spiritual Reflections for today---

Today's reading from One Incredible Moment is entitled, "Looking for the Savior."

Basically, there was a miserable old man who went to a wise pastor for advice.

"Am I unhappy for some sin I committed?"

"Yes, you have sinned."

"And what might that sin be?"

"Ignorance. The sin of ignorance. One of your neighbors is the Messiah in disguise, and you have not seen him."

The man left confused but as a result, he tried to figure out which one of his neighbors it might be.

At first he could only see the bad in each one, not believing that any of them could be the Messiah.

But then things started to change and he began to notice things that he had not seen before...good things.

He himself began to change.

"The change of attitute was so significant that someone asked him why he was so happy. I don't know he answered. All I know is that things changed when I started looking for God."

"Now that's curious. The old man saw Jesus because he didn't know what he looked like. The people in Jesus' day missed him because they thought they did."

"How are things looking in your neighborhood?"

Do you spend so much time denying God's existence that you miss the reality of His presence?

Prayer for today---

Lord, help us to see you in the everyday. Show yourself to us in the small things. Open the eyes of those who have not seen you. Amen.

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