Friday, March 25, 2011

Fit Fridays {linky party}: Recipe Links

It is nice to finally be back into a fitness routine after battling the flu, recovering from the flu and then battling a cold---SO ready for spring/summer!!!

Here is the schedule I am going to try to stick with...

Monday: meet Big A at the Y around 11:30am---he plays basketball with the guys while I do at least 1 hour of cardio plus weights. Then we take the boys swimming in the nice pool.

Tuesday: at least 1 hour of cardio at the Y

Wednesday: meet the girls at the Y for an interval/circuit-training class (alternate cardio/strength stations)

Thursday: at least 1 hour of cardio at the Y

Friday: Big A and I will take the boys to open gymnastics and then meet our friends at the Y around 11:30---guys play basketball while we girls do at least 1 hour of cardio plus weights.

Saturday-Sunday: attend Little A's soccer games, play baseball with Little A, walk/ride the neighborhood as the weather gets nice, go to baseball games

And as I mentioned last week, I am also trying to overhaul our eating---lower fat, less dairy, less gluten, less soda, less eating-out, more water, more fruits and veggies, more organic, more fresh foods, more eating at home and overall well-balanced meals.

As a result of our linky parties and in talking with friends, I have discovered a few websites that are great for cooking/meal-planning that may be of interest to you.

Some of them are healthy sites (or have a healthy page) and some not-so healthy but all of them are excellent places for you to start finding help with cooking, couponing, meal-planning, grocery shopping, etc---and you can always adjust the not-so healthy recipes and make them healthier (ie. baking instead of frying, using low-fat ingredients, using fresher/organic ingredients, etc).

Anything is better than eating-out, eating fast-food on the run or filling the grocery cart full of things that look good!

Check out these sites and let me know what you think:

Some of them I have mentioned before and some are new to me but come highly recommended!

Also, please leave comments or link-up with any fitness routines or recipes/recipe blogs that work for you!

I am always looking for new ideas---especially if they are easy and healthy!

Happy Friday, friends!

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