Thursday, March 17, 2011

Worship While You Play {FCA}

Recently I have become involved with a local FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) group!

My first encounter with this group was back in the fall when I was asked to serve as a counselor at the Fields of Faith event at a local highschool.

Fields of Faith is an FCA sponsored event where athletes, students and coaches share what God has done in their lives, the gospel message is presented and students have a chance to make a decision! The event was held at 650 locations across the country on the same night! Awesome!!

We got to worship with Danen Kane (a local favorite), hear the coach of the UWGB women's basketball team speak and I even had the privilege of counseling/praying with students who made a decision for Christ!

What a great night!!

A few weeks ago this same FCA group invited me to attend the UWGB women's basketball game where we had the privilege of hearing the head coach again as well as the assistant coach and one of the players speak and give testimonies before the game!

At the time, the UWGB women were ranked #13 in the country and they are now a #5 seed in the NCAA tournament! Go Pheonix!

I must admit that it is so refreshing to see such a high-level program led by an outspoken Christian.

You see, God gives us great abilities to be used for His glory! He does not want us to "downplay" these gifts in the name of "humility."

In fact, I have always loved this quote---

Humility is not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less. {C. S. Lewis}

I would like to encourage you to be bold and confident in the use of your God-given talents, abilities, etc. Just make sure you keep it in perspective---knowing and acknowledging where these gifts come from and using them for His glory!

Now, back to the pre-game talk!

The player who spoke to us used a term that I absolutely love.

"Worship while you play."

She also used one of my favorite passages of scripture, Colossians 3:23 which says, "whatever you do, work at it with all your heart as if working for the Lord and not men."

You see, whatever we do---whether it be sports, teaching, parenting---God wants us to give our all (100%), all the time!

It is a form of worship.

Worship does not simply take place on a Sunday morning, or even just during the "song" portion of the worship service.

On the contrary, worship is an ongoing, constant out-pouring of our day-to-day lives.

So let me ask you---what is your life saying?

Are you worshipping while you play (work, parent, talk, think---you fill in the blank)?

As you ponder this thought, please pray for me because this Saturday morning I will be speaking at the FCA girls breakfast for this same FCA group.

I will be talking to the girls about "worth."

Wow---where do I even begin?

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