Friday, April 29, 2011

Fit Fridays {linky party}: Blog Hop!

In keeping with the spirit of Easter, today we are going to do a little blog "hopping."

First, "hop" on over HERE to This Little Piggy Went to the Gym for a great post on Food Choice Tips (which was linked-up to our Fit Fridays {linky party} last week)!

Be sure to leave a comment with which tips you are going to try to implement this week!

This week I am going to focus on making sure I only have red meat 2x. We are meat lovers and I have been working on finding more easy, healthy chicken recipes for us to eat---not a fish fan but want to steer away from the red meat some (not completely, too much love there).

Leave a little love to let them know you stopped by and that you appreciate what they are doing to promote a healthy lifestyle!

For those of you who do not know, this blog is hosted by another blog friend of mine (Dave), who happens to be the brother of Cat over at Cap Creations! While you are there, read his story---it is AMAZING!!!

Second, "hop" on over HERE to $5 Dinners for a great post on 5 Inexpensive Ways to Boost Nutrition in Your Daily Diet.

I am happy to report that we are currently doing 3 of the 5---next I plan to invest in a blender so I can make healthy fruit smoothies which are supposed to be great for curbing those late afternoon stress cravings (when it is not quite dinnertime, hubby is on the way home and kids have pushed me to the limit), which seem to run rampant around here!

By the way, the $5 Dinner Mom (Erin) happens to be my former collegiate volleyball trainer! She has a fantastic blog, a few cookbooks and has appeared on Rachael Ray, among others, to promote her healthy family meals that will cost you under $5 to feed the entire family!

Leave her some love while you are there!

Happy Hopping! :)

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