Friday, April 15, 2011

Fit Fridays {linky party}: Snacking Busters

Here are a few simple tips to help you control the snacking!

-Do not keep junk food in the house
-Replace your old snacks with healthy, fresh, low-fat choices
-When the cravings come, drink a bottle of water, take a walk, get out of the house or do something to distract you
-PRAY for strength!

Hope this helps!

Do you have any tips of your own? Link-up or leave a comment!

By the way, I tried these Spinach Lasagna Roll-ups from Carroll Creations this past week:


I used all low-fat cheeses and next time plan to substitute whole wheat pasta!

Even Big A liked it! :)

They will definitely be a regular meal at our house from now on!

Happy Friday, friends!

Linking up with:


  1. I keep the freezer stocked with frozen strawberries and the fruit bowl filled with bananas. My worst snack time is that rush around, getting dinner ready, when we all hit the house in the evening. Now it's so much easier to grab some fruit, toss it in the blender, add a couple of tablespoons of yogurt, skim milk, and blend. I can sip on this while fixing dinner.

  2. Thanks for the great tips. I like to make sure that I get enough protein in me as well and it stops my craving.
    Your book seems very interesting. I will have to come back and purchase it. We are setting up sport youth development programs over here in California..

    Thanks for linking up to the Living Well Blog Hop. I'm sorry I didn't see this link up before so that I could link up. Remind me on Jo's Health corner next time you have a link up and I will link up..


What are your thoughts? Please leave a comment. I love reading them and I try to respond to each one!