Monday, April 4, 2011

mom2mom {linky party}: Spring Cleaning tips

Spring is well least according to the calendar! We've had some crazy weather lately as has most of the country! My goal is to have my "spring cleaning" done before the weather finally decides to warm up. After that I'll want to spend my time outside, not stuck inside cleaning!

I have come across some great Spring Cleaning tips that I thought I'd share for this week's mom2mom {link party}.

  1. Do a little inventory of your cleaning supplies. You don't want to be in the middle of cleaning the bathrooms and find out you're out of Clorox Wipes - or another one of your necessary supplies!
  2. Compile all of your needed supplies into a cleaning bucket/tub. I have a cleaning caddy from Target that is just big enough to hold all of my usual cleaning supplies. You might need something a little bigger for spring cleaning, but keep everything in one place!
  3. Create a check-list of the items that need to be accomplished during your spring cleaning. I found a great "cleaning month" printable from a great blog, CLEAN MAMA, that would be perfect to work from!
  4. Involve your kiddos! Yours may be young, but you'd be surprised at what they can do! Grayson (who is 3) loves to use our Bona wood floor mop. He sprays the cleaner and mops it up. Granted, I may have to go behind him and do a little spot cleaning, but he's helping and learning how to help Mommy clean! If your kiddos aren't quite big enough to help, utilize nap time to the fullest!
  5. Have bins (or bags) ready for your 'trash", "donate", or "give away" piles. Another blog that I read, Clover Lane , has been getting rid of 40 bags of "...things you don't love, don't use, junk, accumulated stuff, clutter, garbage." I LOVE this idea and have been diligently going through each room and closet in our house! I'm not sure if I'll make it to 40 bags, but I have quite a bit to show for my effort.
Have you started your Spring Cleaning for this year? Do you have any Spring Cleaning tips of your own? Link up or leave us a comment!


  1. Amen to that!! And I hope I am not supposed to look like her when I am cleaning cause I don't even look that good when I get all dolled up! ;)


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