Friday, May 20, 2011

Fit Fridays {linky party}: Droid App


This is the first week in awhile that I have posted every single day as planned!

And by the way, I did want to post last Thursday and Friday but blogger was down! :(

I am SO excited to report that I have lost 12 lbs over the last several weeks!!

I am not dieting or doing any kind of strenuous workouts, I am simply changing my lifestyle.

Remember I told you that I am cooking healthier meals (lower fat, baked instead of fried, non-dairy or low-fat dairy, olive oil instead of butter, wheat instead of white, fruits/veggies, etc) and I am trying to get in a workout 5 days a week (5 days of cardio and 3 days with added strength-training) although I must admit I have not been getting in very many workouts the last few weeks, I need to get back into my routine!

Doing a lifestyle change means the weight will come off slower than a crash diet BUT it will also stay off!!!

How are you doing with your physical and spiritual fitness lately?

I have something that will help you with the spiritual fitness...and you can do it while you are getting in your physical fitness...

IF you have a droid!

You can download WOTP - Fit Cards {Droid App} HERE.

It includes our Character Counts Devotional Cards and even has a "read to me" option so that you can plug-in headphones and listen while you workout.

Coaches are downloading them to go through with their teams.

Parents are downloading them to go through with their kids.

We now have a FREE version that you can download if you do not mind pop-up ads...otherwise you can download the $0.99 version and be pop-up free!

Go HERE to download (or you can search WOTP in the android market on your phone).

Let me know what you think and spread the word to your droid friends!

{I would love to create a version for if you know anyone who can create one for us, send them my way!}

Happy Friday Friends!

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