Wednesday, May 25, 2011

WINSDAY! {Giftcards for Joplin}

Sorry I am getting this up so late today but Gigi {my mom} is in town and we have been busy with her while Big A is away at a Pastor's Conference!

And the moment you have all been waiting for...

The winner of the Wristlet IS...

(drumroll please)

Congratulations Katrina!

Email me at to claim your prize!

And now for this week's giveaway...

We are actually going to redefine the word {giveaway} this week!

Instead of us {giving} you something, you are going to have the chance to {giveaway} something to someone else.

We are collecting Target, Walmart and Visa giftcards for the tornado victims in Joplin.

As you know, we have dear friends and family there.

So many people have lost homes and loved ones.

The damage and destruction left from the storm is unbelievable.

And we want to do what we can to help them.

Big A and I wish we could be there to help Scott and MJ minister in person {they are washing clothes, providing shelter, feeding rescue name it} but we can still minister from far away by:

1. Praying!!!!

2. Sending resources and words of encouragement!!!!

3. Providing hope!!!!

If you would like to help, please leave a comment with your email address or send me an email at and let me know.

I can give you an address to send gift cards or other resources {clothes, food, blankets, money, etc} that people can use.

I can give you ideas of what to send.

These people lost everything.

In fact, just the other day I asked MJ if she had an embroidery contact there because one of our customers wanted to get some Fit Bands embroidered and she said...

"This is so weird to say but the only person here that I know with an embroidery machine lost their home."

Think about it.

What would you do if you lost everything?

I would definitely want people to help me.

And we have an opportunity to show them the love of God and the hope that we have in Christ by doing something as simple as sending a gift card {any value will help}.

I will leave you with the words of Addison Road...

everything rides on hope now. everything rides on faith someone. when the world has broken me down. your love sets me free.

Will you help?

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