Thursday, June 16, 2011

WINSDAY! {giveaway}

So I know this is a day late but better late than never right? ;)

The winner of the Tower Promotions and Planning Solutions FB giveaway IS...

You must go HERE to find out!

And while you are there, show my mom some love and "Like" the Tower FB page!

Also, be sure to let her know what Tower can do for you and/or your company!

Now for this week's giveaway...

We are giving away a $25 gift certificate to the WOTP shop!

To enter the giveaway, simply click "Like" at the bottom of this post and leave a comment on this post telling me what you would buy from our shop if you win!

{This must be done before any extra entries will be counted}

For extra entries (leave 1 extra comment for each one that you did)---

1. Follow the Worthy of the Prize blog (this blog---scroll to the top of the page and click "Follow")
2. "Like" Worthy of the Prize Sports Ministries on FB
3. Follow @wotpministries on twitter
4. Blog this giveaway
5. Tweet this giveaway (simply click "Tweet" at the bottom of this post)

Contest ends Tuesday, June 21st @MIDNIGHT (CST). Winner will be announced Wednesday June 22nd and another giveaway will be posted at that time.



  1. Woot - first commment! :^D I think I'll spend my gift card on 2 black "worthy of the prize" T-shirts.

    Thanks for doing this giveaway! :) If I win, my email is grig at gmx dot com

    *crosses fingers*

  2. Followed your blog.

    (grig at gmx dot com)

  3. Liked your page on facebook :)

    (grig at gmx dot com)

  4. Followed you on Twitter (as grig4)

    (grig at gmx dot com)

  5. Blogged about your giveaway! :) Here's the link:

  6. Retweeted over here:!/grig4/status/81859569504108546


What are your thoughts? Please leave a comment. I love reading them and I try to respond to each one!