Friday, August 26, 2011

Free Friday! {1 Thessalonians 5:16-18}

This week's {free printable} was also created by 517 Creations as a compliment to the {Blessings} print that I posted last Friday.
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When I asked her to create the original {Blessings} print, we put this scripture reference on it because I thought it was a perfect description of what Laura Story wrote in her song Blessings.

Have you heard this incredible song?

To me, this passage of scripture has always been a tough one. Even though I know we are supposed to thank God in all things and even "praise him in the storm," I have always struggled with it.

Can you relate?

But after going through "the storm" and hearing this song, it brought new meaning to these verses and I have come to a better understanding of what it means to rejoice always and give thanks in all circumstances {the pray without ceasing part has always been a little easier, I am pretty much in constant communication with God all day long, desperately needing his help and guidance and always demanding something from him :)}.

Now do not misunderstand. It is still very very difficult {at times} to rejoice during times of trial {depending on the trial} but I can truly say that I am slowly learning how to do it. And though I do not always like it, I really do cherish the growth it brings in my relationship with God and the way it makes me more like Christ and helps me better understand what he went through for us.

I hope this {1 Thessalonians} print and the {Blessings} print bless you as much as they have blessed me and my household. As soon as I find the perfect spot, my plan is to frame them and display them side by side as a reminder for all who enter to see.

It will be a beautiful display.

Have you been able to praise God, even in "the storm"?

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