Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Winner, Winner Chicken Dinner

So I was supposed to announce the winner of the Team Chase 4 and Counting giveaway last Wednesday {Winsday!} but I was on the road, in the midst of 7 straight days of volleyball camp {we just finished our 4th camp of the summer}...

Oops! SO sorry about that!!

And the winner IS...

Congratulations Amy @ Missional Mama!

Email me at to claim your prize.

A BIG THANKS to all who have participated in our WINSDAY! {giveaways}!

Check back this fall for more giveaways and please email me at if you have something you would like for me to feature/giveaway for you here at WOTP.

And now I am off to the MOPS {Mothers of Preschoolers} convention in Nashville!

Stop by the Worthy of the Prize booth and see me if you will be there!

Stay cool!

1 comment:

  1. I have tried email and I am not sure it went thru. I will try again tomorrow.


    Flyin Peru at yahoo dot com


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