Wednesday, September 21, 2011

When I Stand

So I found this on Pinterest the other day and

Seriously, this is my life goal. The very reason why I live. The very reason why {Worthy of the Prize} exists.

When all is said and done. When the great race has been won. I want to be found worthy of the prize.

Growing up, I always knew that God had gifted me with these athletic talents and abilities for a reason, a chosen purpose---more than just to win an earthly prize.

This great gift I have been given
I am not worthy of
It’s only by the wondrous grace
Of my Lord above

So I wait upon you Oh Lord
I do not want to fall
It’s your will I desire
Only your will above all

I know you have great plans for me
But I just feel so lost
What do you have in store for me?
I will go despite the cost

It is me my sweet child
That you are yearning for
It is me who is your destiny
I am your great reward

My plan is for you to know me
And to become just like my son
I promise to come back for you
When all is said and done

For now enjoy my presence
Lead others to my grace
Don’t worry about tomorrow
Simply live life for today

{The Journey, Erin Vick Franklin}

They are for his glory, to bring others to his name---to win a heavenly prize, the ultimate prize in Christ.

You can read more about how to gain the ultimate prize in Christ here.

It is my hope and prayer that when I stand before the throne at the end of my life, I will be able to say with Paul:

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day---and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing. {2 Timothy 4:7-8}

What are you living for?!

Don't forget to stop over at Cap Creations to read my weekly {What Do I Know of Holy?} guest post from this morning.

Sidenote: We have 790 fans on the Worthy of the Prize FB page! At 1000 fans, there will be a Big giveaway including {but not limited to} Baby Be Blessed, Cap Creations and Pitter Patter Art. Plus, there will be a prize for the 1000th fan and the person who shared us with them! Please "like" our page to help our ministry grow!

And while you are at it, please "like" this facebook page to send $1 to Texas Wildfire Relief. They are going to send $1 for every new "like." What an easy way to help a worthy cause! You can read more about this here. Spread the word!! Thanks!

Linking Up With {Encouraging Words Wednesday}:

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