Contact Erin for information regarding our Worthy of the Prize Sports Camp manual, Orphan Ball Ministry and find joy in the journey ebook.
Sarah Vick Keener -, 817.437.2776
Contact Sarah to schedule a team camp for your volleyball team for Summer 2015.

i like the diva damask please email me at jkeckart@ for address, thank you
Hi guys! I just checked out your site for the Crock Pot potato soup recipe and didn't realize that you were a really great site that has a ton of appeal for young Christian athletes. Love it!
Was dismayed to see the "League of Angels" advertisement on the far left hand side that showed young women removing their pants and some pretty provocative full screens of breasts and backsides wearing thongs...
As a blogger myself, I know that sometimes we allow ads on the sides and we aren't always aware of what is being posted.
You might want to check this out if this is something that doesn't make you comfortable.
God bless and Happy 2014!
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