Sunday, December 18, 2011

{Day 17}: Christmas Joy!

Physical Fitness:

100 stairs
10 super-slow squats
10 super-slow crunches
10 super-slow reverse push-ups
30 quick calf raises {straight, in, out}
1:00 plank

Spiritual Fitness:

As we celebrate the birth of God's son this Christmas season, I cannot help but remember the birth of our own miracle baby. Little A.

Our beautiful, oldest son who the doctors thought might be born with "problems" that could potentially lead to a life-long disability or even death shortly after birth.

As long as I live, I will never forget the specialist's words, "if you are going to terminate the pregnancy," said to a devastated first-time mother and her husband. Are you kidding me?!

We will never know if God healed him or if there was never anything wrong with him in the first place but look at my handsome little 5 1/2 year old child. Can't you just see the joy on his sweet little face after we finally got our Christmas tree up this year, a little later than usual due to some holiday travels?!

Thank goodness we serve the Great Physician, with whom all things are possible! And in whom we trust to be the author of life and death. Not only were those earthly doctors wrong, but boy were they wrong! I have never been around a kid with so much life inside of him. A bright, strong-willed, driven, energetic, perfectly healthy child.

There is definitely something special about him and I have no doubt that God has great plans for his life. He fills our lives with joy that's for sure. And he is one of many reasons we have to celebrate this Christmas season!

What brings you Christmas joy this year?

She will give birth to a son, and you will name him Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins. {Matthew 1:21}

Speaking of joy, I am SO excited to discover Picnik because I can now edit my own pictures {notice the logo and effects on Little A's picture} and can also design my own printables for free! Woohoo! What an exciting step for my little ministry!

This is my very first creation, just in time for Christmas. Feel free to download this 8x10 print here and please share it with others.

And remember, today is the LAST day that you can enter to win the Believe Necklace. The winner will be announced tomorrow. Goodluck! :)

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