Friday, December 16, 2011

{Day 16}: Free Friday! {Believe} **giveaway**

Physical Fitness:

30 minutes on the treadmill

Spiritual Fitness:

So every year we watch The Polar Express together as a family. It is one of my favorite Christmas traditions.

This year I even made peppermint hot chocolate and North Pole cupcakes for the occasion.

These were one of my fabulous Pinterest finds and the boys loved them!

We began watching the movie together because of our boys' love for trains but I really like them to watch it because of the message.

Though I've grown old the bell still rings for me, as it does for all who truly believe. {The Polar Express}

I just love that it teaches our children what it means to believe in something worthwhile.

Miracle on 34th Street is one of my favorite Christmas movies for the same reason.

I know alot of people in "Christian" circles do not think it is right to trick our kids into believing in something that is not "real" like Santa Claus.

But I happen to have a different opinion.

I think it is good to teach our kids to believe in something worth believing in. In something they cannot see. In something that contradicts the secular culture that we live in.

We believe in Santa Claus here at our house. What about you?

Now, does this mean we lie to our children when they ask us the truth? No.

Does this mean we give them anything and everything they want for Christmas? Absolutely not.

Everything you do in life requires balance.

We actually take it one step further. We allow Santa Claus to point the way to Jesus.

What? You ask.

We hope that in training them young to believe in something worthwhile that one day when they are old enough, they will put their faith in Jesus Christ and what he did for them on the cross.

And we even have many Christmas displays around our home showing Santa Claus worshipping the baby Jesus.

It keeps it all in perspective.

Are we worried that when they find out that Santa Claus is not real, it will damage their ability to believe in anything {like Jesus} again? Of course not.

Because it is all in how you present the truth and teach them the difference between faith and imagination.

To each his own, but around here we believe.

And for all of you who truly believe, I have a lovely {free printable} for you designed specifically for this post by my friend Cat of Cap Creations! Thanks Cat! :)

Click here to download the 5x7 print.

You can display it in your home or as a background for your computer as a reminder that it is good to believe.

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. {John 3:16}

And along those same lines, Cat has graciously agreed to give away one of her adorable Believe necklaces to 1 lucky winner!

To enter, simply leave a comment on this post telling me your favorite Christmas movie!

For extra entries {leave separate comments for each one that you do}:

1. Follow this blog {scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Follow, 1 extra entry }
2. Follow the Cap Creations blog {1 extra entry}
3. Blog about this giveaway and leave the link to your post in your comment {5 extra entries}
4. Post this giveaway on your facebook page {3 extra entries}
5. Tweet this giveaway {2 extra entries}
6. Pin the free printable onto Pinterest {4 extra entries}

**Be sure to leave your email address in your comments so that I can contact you if you win!

You can enter through Sunday. Winner will be announced Monday. Goodluck!

Click here to read the other 25 Days of Fitness posts.


  1. A Christmas story is my favorite!

  2. Following your blog!

  3. Following Cap creation blog!

  4. FB about it

  5. FB about it!

  6. tweeted!/juliannerosenau/status/147900607343235073

  7. Pinned the printable on pinterest

  8. Pinned the printable

  9. Pinned the printable

  10. pinned the printable

  11. I love watching Frosty the Snowman, but It's a Wonderful Life is something we usually watch most years.

  12. I've always loved that picture of Santa kneeling by the manger.

    My favorite Christmas movie is Miracle on 34th Street, the old black and white version.

  13. My favorite Christmas Movie is White Christmas. My boys and I watch it or parts of it every year. by the way I really love this song playing on here by Casting Crowns. What an amazingly talented group.

  14. Home alone! all of them =)

    uk7ss AT yahoo DOT com

  15. i am a public gfc follower of your blog as uk7ss AT yahoo DOT com

  16. i follow the Cap Creation's blog via gfc as uk7ss AT yahoo DOT com

  17. I can't decided between A Christmas Story and National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation!! I love them both! lol

  18. The Little Drummer Boy - they don't show it on regular tv anymore?!? Haven't seen in years now I need to go find it to watch again!


  19. Love the Believe jewelry. Fave movie is Miracle on 34th Street. Thank you for being part of this giveaway. Merry Christmas Debbie

  20. I love How The Grinch Stole Christmas!

  21. I shared on Facebook here:!/permalink.php?story_fbid=205741806178881&id=1392606405

  22. I tweeted here:!/Lealee33/status/148646852592541697


What are your thoughts? Please leave a comment. I love reading them and I try to respond to each one!