Friday, December 23, 2011

{Day 23}: Free Friday! {Joy in the Journey} **giveaway** CLOSED!!!

Physical Fitness:

100 stairs
10 super-slow squats
10 super-slow crunches
10 super-slow reverse push-ups
30 quick calf raises {straight, in, out}
1:00 plank

Spiritual Fitness:

Today is Free Friday!, which means we have another {free} printable for you!

I asked my friend Mary Jo of 517 Creations to design this one specifically for today's post.

Isn't it cute?! Go here to download it. It has also been featured at Be Different Act Normal, 517 Creations Printable Decor and Creative Busy HandsDefinitely gonna have to frame this one for our house.

Here it is again with the description of my 2012 word...JOY!

Go here for the matching blog button and go here to read the nice things that Mary Jo of 517 Creations had to say about me and this print. Humbled.

Sometimes it is incredibly easy to find joy in the journey, isn't it?

Love. Engagements. Weddings. New jobs. Healthy babies. The list goes on.

But what about when the journey gets tough? When you just cannot take it anymore and you want to quit?

Anger. Break-ups. Divorce. Lost jobs. Miscarriages. Sickness. Death.

It  is during these times that you must "choose joy." And believe me, sometimes you have to search for it. And sometimes the holidays can be the hardest. Find God in the little things. Count those blessings that you usually take for granted.

Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. {James 1:2-4}

I truly hope that you are finding joy along your 25 Days of Fitness journey this Christmas season. Like the wisemen, I pray that the star leads you to the King of Kings. And that you find joy along the way, not because of the details, but because of who you are traveling with.

The Journey
by Erin Vick Franklin

This great gift I have been given
I am not worthy of
It's only by the wondrous grace
Of my Lord above.

So I wait upon you oh Lord
I do not want to fall
It's your will I desire
Only your will above all.

I know you have great plans for me
But I just feel so lost
What do you have in store for me?
I will go despite the cost.

It is me my sweet child
That you are yearning for
It is me who is your destiny
I am your great reward.

My plan is for you to know me
And to become just like my son
I promise to come back for you 
When all is said and done.

For now enjoy my presence
Lead others to my grace
Don't worry about tomorrow
Simply live life for today.

In honor of this post, my friend Kate of The Adopt Shoppe has graciously agreed to giveaway 1 of her new Joy in the Journey necklaces and 1 of her new Joy in the Journey word arts to 1 lucky winner!

I am SUCH a fan! I want these for myself. ;)

To enter, simply leave a comment on this post telling us 1 thing that has brought you joy this Christmas season.

For extra entries {leave separate comments for each one that you do}:

1. Follow this blog {scroll down and click Follow, 1 extra entry}
2. Heart The Adopt Shoppe on Etsy {1 extra entry}
3. Blog about this giveaway and leave the link to your blog post in your comment {5 extra entries}
4. Post this giveaway on your facebook page {3 extra entries}
5. Tweet this giveaway {2 extra entries}
6. Pin the {free} printable onto Pinterest {4 extra entries}

**Be sure to leave your email address in your comments so that I can contact you if you win.

You can enter through December 31st. Winner will be announced January 1st. Goodluck!

Sidenote: The Adopt Shoppe happens to be one of my favorite shops! And the best part is that ALL proceeds go towards Kate's adoption.



  1. Love that saying! Listening to my kids sing Christmas songs has brought me lots of JOY this season!!

  2. I love the phrase- Find joy in the journey- it was my resolution this year as we waited to become foster parents. We were blessed with the arrival of our foster son, A in March and his half-sister, H in May. Hearing A talk about Santa and baby Jesus and seeing his eyes light up at Christmas lights has brought so much joy to our lives this Christmas season.

  3. I heart(ed) the Adopt Shoppe on Etsy.

  4. I pinned the free printable on pinterest.

  5. What has brought our family joy this Christmas is our home opening to foster children. We are thrilled to be a Godly example for kids that are in our home!

  6. Thank you for all you do for the Glory of God Erin! My goal is to get into shape in 2012. I have teamed up with 2 teachers at school to work out after school in my classroom. We are covering the window (lol). Thank you for your encouraging blog! God Bless!

    My Joy this Christmas season was spending time with my brother and family on Christmas day!

  7. The thing that brings me the most JOY is watching and listening to my 3 yr. old girl and 6 yr.boy playing together! Such sweet interactions!

  8. I heart the Adopt Shoppe on Etsy! I love the items in the shop!!

  9. Posted this on my page on FB!

  10. Pinned the free printable! Love this quote!

  11. Had the greatest Christmas gift of God adding a daughter to our family and seeing how Christ is working through my children to shine His light to the darkness in my extended family! Praise God! This is my joy in the journey!

  12. I posted a blog!

  13. Because of adoption, it was our first Christmas as a family of 3. Can't get more joyful that this!

  14. That somebody sent my kids a present since this was a hard year for my family. I will do the same for another family next year, we are about out of these hard times

  15. We usually spend Christmas alone...but this year we were able to spend it with our daughter, her husband and their 8 children. Being with the grands on Christmas Day was such a blessing!!!

  16. My joy came throughout this whole Christmas season. I had a journey with cancer this year. It was a scary year, but filled with so very much joy! I was ABLE to be here for Christmas with my family!!! My sibs and families all made it home for Christmas and I had a wonderful time with all my in-laws as well. Not to mention my two nephews that were able to spend the night and day with me today! I have been given the best gift this year. A chance to live and be with all those I love and care about. I couldn't get much more joy than that!

  17. Great photos of my kids! I just love looking at how happy they were. Great holiday!

  18. I follow this blog:) Thanks!

  19. Having my family here. Christmas meant nothing without my family.

  20. Although our Christmas had a little one with RSV (for the 3rd time), we found JOY in that there was no hospital stay this time. Thanks for the opportunity.

  21. My brothers family had a new baby the Monday before Christmas! What a blessing!

  22. My daughter flying family members to CA so we could spend Christmas together, even though it was a sacrifice to do so. What a joy to know that family means so much to her...

  23. The addition of our sweet baby Eli, our second son, on Dec. 12 has brought immeasurable joy to our family.

  24. Dishes can be done tomorrow, laundry is never caught up, no matter how hard you try something not planned is gonna wasn't meant to be perfect, it was meant to love, cherish, & enjoy the moments in between...that's my JOY!

  25. Seeing my nephews get so excited about Christmas this year brought me great joy!

  26. I heart TheAdoptShoppe on etsy!

  27. Counting 2011 as another year of God providing our needs, during a time when we're not where *we* would want to be... finding "joy in the journey" is certainly His desire!

  28. "Favorited" the store on etsy. I've ordered one of her tile necklaces - they are terrific! (L Hart on etsy)

  29. My sister and her new baby flew in for a visit this Christmas! That brought us JOY!

  30. I am now following your blog - email for all my entries: inquicksand (at) gmail (dot) com

  31. What has brought joy to me this CHRISTmas season is having my husband and two kids here with me to celebrate it! We were in the tornado in May and I have learned not to take anything for granted and ALWAYS have Joy in our Journey!

  32. Love it! So cute :)
    My family and my relationship with Jesus has brought me the most joy this past year. I can't wait to see what 2012 holds!

  33. I heart the shop on Etsy (from my shop This Fabulous Life).



  34. I'm posting this giveaway on Facebook.



  35. This is an extra comment - not to count in the giveaway as I forgot to put this in my original comment. Joy this Christmas is being grateful for the blessings in my life ~ my husband and our sweet dog, and the greatest gift, Christ Himself. I was also smiling realizing next Christmas may be filled with children via the blessing of adopting through our state's foster care system so that put a little smile on my face to be thankful for the now and what is to come.



  36. Being with my sweet family brought me joy this Christmas season. This Christmas we kept it simple so that we could keep our focus on the TRUE meaning of Christmas, remembering and celebrating the birth of Christ. It was wonderful. Definitely blessed beyond measure.

  37. What a pondering to think about and to make us remember there is joy in that journey.

  38. I pin the free print out. Thanks for it.

  39. I LOVE your printable! I love the words--find joy in the journey. I have been looking for a good inspirational saying, so this is going to work out perfectly! Thanks for sharing & I am definitely going to print off your cute little saying!

  40. I am so in love with this printable! I feel like you had this made just for me! Thank you!

  41. Following you from tatertots and jello-stop on by for a visit!!!

  42. Hi there! I just thought I'd pop in and let you know I used your 'Find Joy in the Journey' printable on my kitchen gallery wall! I even blogged about it and posted a link to your site :) Feel free to check it out if you want to see the finished product!


What are your thoughts? Please leave a comment. I love reading them and I try to respond to each one!