Wednesday, December 7, 2011

{Day 6}: Wait With Joy

Physical Fitness:

30 minutes on the treadmill

Spiritual Fitness:

Now there was a man in Jerusalem called Simeon, who was righteous and devout. He was waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him. It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not die before he had seen the Lord's Christ. Moved by the Spirit, he went to the temple courts. When the parents brought in the child Jesus to do for him what the custom of the Law required, Simeon took him in his arms and praised God saying:

Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you now dismiss your servant in peace. For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all people, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel. {Luke 2: 25-32}

Simeon is one of the "characters" in the Christmas story that you do not hear of as often as the others.

Do you know what Simeon was famous for?


Simeon was waiting with anticipation. Calmly expectant. Eyes open. Arms extended. Searching the crowd for the right face, and hoping the face appears today.

The way he waited for the first coming is a model for how we should wait for the Second Coming.

A few months ago we finally took Little A and Little E fishing, after much prodding. They had just gotten new poles, which by no coincidence are Cars {as in the movie} themed. They are addicted to all things Cars {and now Cars 2}. Thanks for that, Disney Pixar! ;)

Anyway, they had an absolute blast. And the craziest part is that they did not. catch. anything. nothing. nada.

I don't know if the fish were asleep that day or if we did not have the right kind of bait, or what. Bottom line. The fish weren't biting.

And yet, my boys were smiling. They were simply enjoying being there at the fishing pond with mommy and daddy, casting and reeling in, over and over again, using their brand new fishing poles. There was no place on earth they would have rather been that day.

They were waiting with joy for fish that never came.

Waiting is not easy. We're not a patient people. When days turn to weeks and weeks turn to months and months turn to years, you can't help but wonder if God is still working on your behalf. But rest assured, He is! Just as your children were born when they were ready {after 9 long months of waiting}, your dreams and miracles will hatch at their appointed times. So, hang in there and wait with joy. Whenever you are able to finally embrace whatever it is you're believing God for, it will be more than worth the wait! {Daily Wisdom for Mothers, Michelle Medlock Adams}

I happened to take Michelle's class a few years ago at the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writer's Conference. She is fabulous. But when I first heard that term wait with joy, it blew me out of the water. As if waiting on God is not hard enough, we are supposed to wait with joy?!

Have you ever been through a time when you were seeking God for answers and no matter what you did, "wait" was his only answer?

It is a tough lesson in faith, let me tell you. And I am slowly but surely coming to terms with the fact that...

Do you trust God's timing? Is there anything you are waiting on God for these days? What can we join you in prayer about?

You too, be patient and stand firm. {James 5:8}

By the way, I have decided that as part of my 25 Days of Fitness giving, I am going to purchase an Africa Glass Ornament. ALL proceeds go to help the adopting families that we support bring their children home. Today is the LAST day you can purchase one! You will get it in time for Christmas. Go here to purchase.

What are you going to do this Christmas season to help someone in need?

Go here to read about our 25 Days of Fitness contest and how you can win a $50 Visa gift card by helping someone in need!

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