Thursday, December 8, 2011

{Day 7}: Wise Men Still Seek Him

Physical Fitness:

100 stairs
10 super-slow squats
10 super-slow crunches
10 super-slow reverse push-ups
30 quick calf-raises {straight, in, out}
1:00 plank

Spiritual Fitness:

In today's reading of One Incredible Moment, Max talks about the fact that the wise men {the 3 kings} were probably:

1. Men of Wealth-- because they embarked on an extended journey and yet still had gifts to give at the end of it

2. Men of Influence-- because they commanded the audience of Herod

3. Men of Intellect-- because they navigated across thousands of miles following a star

These men were not idiots who set out on some crazy journey.

And neither are you for worshiping a babe born in a manger.

Don't let the world tell you any different.

Come to Bethlehem and see
Him whose birth the angels sing;
Come adore on bended knee,
Christ, the Lord, the newborn King.
Gloria, in excelsius Deo.


  1. Hey Erin I just made a wise men still seek him printable that I was gonna try to share tomorrow. :)


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