Friday, December 9, 2011

{Day 9}: Free Friday! {Wise Men}

In keeping with our regular blog schedule, today is Free Friday!

Every Friday we give you a {free printable} that you can display in your home or as a background for your computer screen as a reminder of the great God that we serve.

Some people even frame them or make them into a canvas to keep for themselves or to give as gifts.

I absolutely love this print that my friend Cat of Cap Creations designed which makes a perfect Christmas decoration or gift...

Go here to download it. And go here to learn how to make it into a canvas.

I cannot wait to display this in my home this Christmas season! It goes perfectly with our discussion from {Day 7}: Wise Men Still Seek Him.

Today's Physical Fitness:

100 Stairs
10 super-slow squats
10 super-slow crunches
10 super-slow reverse push-ups
30 quick calf raises {straight, in, out}
1:00 plank

Today's Spiritual Fitness:

Listen to this song and leave a comment here or on our facebook page letting us know how you plan to "seek him" this Christmas season and in this day and age.

{be sure to scroll down and pause the music player before listening to the song}

After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, “Where is the one who has been born King of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him. {Matthew 2:1-2}

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