Thursday, December 8, 2011

{Day 8}: The Author Enters His Own Story

Physical Fitness:

30 minutes on the eliptical

Spiritual Fitness:

In my mind, there are 2 pretty incredible facets of the Christmas story that we do not usually think about.

1. God lets each one of us write our own story. He starts it for us but then he lets us finish it.

What a dangerous liberty. How much safer it would have been to finish the story for each Adam. To script every option. It would have been simpler. It would have been safer. But it would not have been love. Love is only love if chosen.

2. God {the author} enters his own story. Knowing the cost, he steps down from his throne in heaven. Emmanuel, God with us.

The Word became flesh. He, too, would be born. He, too, would be human. He, too, would have feet and hands. He, too, would have tears and trials.

And most importantly, he, too, would have a choice. Emmanuel would stand at the crossroads of life and death and make a choice. 

The Author knows well the weight of that decision. He pauses as he writes the page of his own pain. He could stop. Even the Author has a choice. But how can a Creator not create? How can a Writer not write? And how can Love not love? So he chooses life, though it means death, with hope that his children will do the same.

And so the Author of Life completes the story. He drives the spike in the flesh and rolls the stone over the grave. Knowing the choice he will make, knowing the choice all Adams will make, he pens, "The End," then closes the book and proclaims the beginning.

"Let there be light!"

Come, thou long-expected Jesus,
Born to set thy people free;
from our fears and sins release us,
Let us find our rest in thee.
{Charles Wesley, 1744}

By the way, I have decided that in addition to purchasing an Africa Glass Ornament to help our adopting families bring their children home, I am also going to purchase a Scentsy buddy for Toys for Tots as part of my 25 Days of Fitness giving. The buddies will be given to underpriviledged kids and $5 from each bear will be donated to the adopting families that we support. You can read more about this opportunity here. Today is the last day that you can purchase one.

What are you doing for your 25 Days of Fitness giving? Go here to find out how you can win a $50 Visa gift card simply by helping others this Christmas season.

And don't forget to track your weight loss during our 25 Days of Fitness journey! Go here to find out how you can win a $50 Visa gift card simply by losing weight this Christmas season.

Now that we are a week in, leave some comments here or on our facebook page to let me know how your journey is going so far! Are you keeping up?

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