Friday, January 20, 2012

{Free Friday}: Filled With Joy

Pinterest has been giving me fits lately. Anyone else having problems with it?

One day I can get onto the site and the next day I can't. Frustrating.

Today being one of the days I cannot get onto the site, I figured I would just design my own print for Free Friday! instead.

So, here it is..

{Click photo to download 8x10 print}

This verse has become very special to me lately, for many reasons. Mostly because my 2012 word is...JOY! You can read why here.

And because the LORD continues to amaze me with the incredible things he is doing in our lives these days.

What great things has the LORD done for you?!


  1. Would love for you to join my link party...

    ~The Treasurista

  2. i love your printable. i shared it on my pinterest.

    prayers for a JOYfilled heart.

    pax Christi, lena

  3. I am glad you like it and thank you so much for sharing it! I did link it up at The Treasurista as well. Thanks for stopping by ladies, I love meeting new friends. :)


What are your thoughts? Please leave a comment. I love reading them and I try to respond to each one!