Monday, January 23, 2012

{Hope for the Home}: Christmas Card Prayers

Hey, yall! I'm Amanda McDonough, and I am so excited to be here with you today. I am a Christ follower, wife to an education pastor, and stay-at-home mom to Max. Born and raised a Texas girl, I now live in Mississippi with my little family as we follow God where He leads us. We are currently in the process of bringing home our second child through domestic adoption, and we are prayerfully hoping to be a family of four by the end of the year! You can read more about our family over at The McLife. we are at the end of January and (hopefully) the Christmas decorations have been put away. If not, don't worry. I don't judge. I'm all about the Valentine's Day tree. I am a take it all down on December 26th kind of girl myself, but I always have one problem. What in the world do I do with all these Christmas cards? Way too cute to throw away, but at the same time, way to much clutter in my house! Luckily, I have discovered the wonder and beauty that is Pinterest, and this year I saw the perfect solution:

Just go to any store's office supply area, pick up some binder rings, hole punch, and done. Seriously...who thinks of this stuff? And why isn't it me? It seems so simple, and yet I've been stuffing my cards in drawers for years! Now I have nice, neat books to look through all year long.

The best part? Now, we have a great way to pray for friends and family every day! Keep this book in a convenient place through the year, and as a family pray for a family on one card (or more!) each day. What a great way to emphasize prayer with our children. Very visual, which is always a plus with kids, and a simple way to remind us all to be praying for each other.

Now, if you want to get fancy and make a cute cover for your book, you can check out another Pinterest find here:

Thanks for letting me stop by today. See you again soon!


PS: My husband originally saw the idea to pray over Christmas cards over at the CentriKid blog. It's not a completely new idea, I know...just wanted to give credit where it's due. And you might like their check it out!

Linking up with:
Cherished Treasures
Someday Crafts
Tatertots and Jello
The Treasurista
We are THAT Family


  1. Thanks Amanda, great post - we are SO glad to have you! I love this idea. We started the Christmas card prayers a year ago but it will be so much easier with a cute card book!

  2. Oh Amanda, thank you for linking up and showing such a great idea as well as easy. Your idea of a prayer book just warmed my heart. I hope you can come back and share another project or post. Have a super weekend!


What are your thoughts? Please leave a comment. I love reading them and I try to respond to each one!