Tuesday, January 3, 2012

{Urgent Prayer Request}: I Am Begging You To Get On Your Knees With Me

I know that this is a sensitive subject but it is one that is near and dear to my heart. One that I am very passionate about, so I am going to go ahead and discuss it.

There is a couple {the brother and sister-in-law of a friend of mine} who have scheduled an abortion for tomorrow. They are not believers. Their family is heartbroken.

She has been carrying her baby for 6+ months and received some bad news on a previous sonogram that their child may have some health problems. The doctors are encouraging them to terminate the pregnancy.

I do not have many details but I do know that the mother and baby are not in any harm at this time, should she continue to carry it.

Having been in a similar situation when we were pregnant with Little A, choosing to carry him and ending up with a perfectly healthy child, it infuriates me that doctors today are suggesting termination.

We serve a mighty God who is the Great Physician, the author of life and death. With him anything is possible!

We will never know if Little A was healthy all along or if God healed him but regardless, it is not our decision to make. It is God who gives life and who takes it away. Not us.

And besides, I know many stories of children who were born with disabilities, who have endured many surgeries or who did die, but God was able to bring good out of it and use the situation for his glory.

If this is something that you are struggling with, I encourage you to read this book...

A very uplifting story of how God blesses even through tragedy.

{Read with a box of tissue.}

Here is the video that goes with the book. Incredible.

And here is the blog where Angie {wife to Todd Smith, lead singer for the group Selah} tells Audrey's story.

There may be someone reading this who has gone through with an abortion. I know that with that comes grief, trauma, regret, etc. Know that we serve a God who forgives. He still loves you and desires a relationship with you. Please talk to a counselor if this is you.

Now, who is going to join me in praying for this couple who has an appointment tomorrow?

May God change their minds before then. May he reveal himself to them in a mighty way, so that they put their trust in his saving grace.

But either way, they are going to need prayer, regardless of their final decision.

Please leave a comment if you are praying.

For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them. {Matthew 18:20}


  1. Praying for God to reveal Himself to them in a mighty and powerful way. In Christ, Amen

  2. Praying for a healing heart and a clear mind to preserve this little one

  3. Have been praying for this life today and my thoughts keep returning to your post. I will be continuing to pray that our God who gave this child life will preserve it and that through this experience, the parents will encounter Him and choose to seek Him.

  4. Praying as well that they will realize that LIFE is inside her. Love your heart and thank you for posting. Praying for peace from God as well and that Christ will be glorified in whatever way possible.

  5. Praying that they will realize LIFE is within her. Also praying for peace and that God will be glorified in all circumstances. Thank you for posting and giving us the opportunity to pray.

  6. Praying for this couple and for this sweet baby. As a parent of an adopted child I pray that if they can't take care of the baby, even with health issues, they will put the baby up for adoption. There are so many people who desire a baby, even people who are called to adopt a baby with special needs/health issues. Praying God will intervene and change their minds. Praying for wisdom for this couple right now. Ultimately praying the baby will be healed of any health problems and the couple will have a healthy baby. Thank you for sharing so we can pray with you. Blessings--Nicole

  7. Praying for changed hearts and an understanding of the power of Christ.

  8. Thanks for the prayers, ladies! I know that God hears us and that he grieves with us during times like these. May his mercy pour over this family.


What are your thoughts? Please leave a comment. I love reading them and I try to respond to each one!