Monday, January 2, 2012

My 2012 Word

2011 was a rough year and I am not sad to see it go.

Ministry triumphs were in abundance but unfortunately, so were personal trials.

As the freshly fallen snow covers the cold, hard ground, may the grace of God cover over a multitude of sins as he washes us whiter than snow.

Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. {Philippians 3:13-14}

As for 2012, I look forward with great hope to the possibilities it brings. A new beginning. A clean slate. A fresh start.
And after much thought and prayer, I have decided that my one word for 2012 will be...JOY!

I am not much for resolutions. I usually get overwhelmed and quit. So last year when I discovered the one word movement, I was so excited. It simply gives me one thing to focus on in the new year. One thing that I want to accomplish. One thing to filter everything else through to make sure that I stay on track and am not adding anything to my life/schedule that does not fit with my God-given purpose and goals.

I suggest you consider doing it too. That way you can head into the new year with a goal, but without setting yourself up for disappointment, failure and frustration.

What do you say? 

Tough things may come my way. Unknowns may be scary. Yet, I am determined to find joy in the journey in 2012!

Download here this print designed for us by 517 Creations, which has also been featured at Be Different Act Normal, 517 CreationsPrintable Decor,  Creative Busy Hands and A Holy Experience.

Go here for the matching blog button and go here to read the nice things that Mary Jo of 517 Creations had to say about me and this print. Humbled.

I may have to look hard to find it at times, and some days I may even have to choose joy, but the bottom line is that my God is with me, he has a plan for me and his mercies are new every morning.

A big part of this is going to be living a life of gratitude, being thankful for all of his blessings, not taking the little things for granted. And learning to embrace/cherish the special moments along the way.

My husband is a wonderful, loving, Godly man of character and integrity. I have 2 beautiful, healthy boys who light up our home. And if nothing else, by the grace of God {through faith}, I have a personal relationship with my savior Jesus Christ and the promise of eternal life in heaven with him!

I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ. {Philippians 3:8}

These are the things I will cling to when the going gets tough. 

And believe me it will get tough when I start Weight Watchers next week! I have been carrying around extra weight off and on {mostly on} since Little E was born, 3 1/2 years ago. It is time for it to be gone once and for all! My sister Sarah {Director of WOTP Volleyball} is getting married in November, so I have 11 months to get rid of at least 30 lbs! The good news is Big A is doing it with me and it was actually his idea, which will make the journey a lot easier on me!

Here's to looking good in that bridesmaids dress! ;)

So, whose with me? Tell me your 2012 word!

Go here for 5 tips to help you decide your one word.

And by the way, I plan to print the {above} 517 Creations  print to display in my home this year, as a reminder of my one word and my goals. I already put it on the left sidebar of my blog. I also plan to purchase this necklace from The Adopt Shoppe to wear as a daily reminder as well.

I am sure that my talented friends over at Cap Creations, The Adopt Shoppe and 517 Creations would love to design a necklace and/or a word art print with your word on it for you. Just let them know that I sent you!

Also, my friend Melanie at Only a Breath is giving away free blog buttons with your one word on it!

Be sure to check back every Monday to join in our brand new blog series, Hope for the Home: Finding God in the Everyday, which includes a fabulous group of guest bloggers posting here each week!

I am SO excited about it!

Happy New Year, friends! May God bless you as you seek him in 2012!

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all of your heart. {Jeremiah 29:13}

The Lettered Cottage


  1. GREAT word! Love it! Thanks for linking up!


  2. JOY is a great word!! I had a year-long focus on joy back in 2010, and it was such a blessing.

    My word this year is HOPE.

  3. Great word choice. "Joy" was one I considered but opted for another. Hope you find joy in every day in 2012.

  4. This is a fantastic word! I'm sure it is going to have an amazing impact on your year. I can't wait to hear more about it!

  5. Love it! Can't wait to walk this journey with you!

    Much love~Tina

  6. prayers for your journey. may you grow in joy--the true joy that is rooted in Him and unwavering

    pax Christi, lena

  7. May your joy be overflowing in this new year!

  8. So much fun reading all the posts by all the bloggers in Layla's party who have choosen JOY this year as their OLW. I've also decided to find the JOY in everything this year. I'm also taking Ali's class and it's great. Wishing you all the best, fondly, Roberta

  9. Thanks, ladies! It has been an incredible journey so far and God is teaching me each and everyday how to find joy in it. May he bless you on your quest for your 2012 word - I will be praying for you as we journey together! Thanks for stopping by, I love meeting new friends! :)


What are your thoughts? Please leave a comment. I love reading them and I try to respond to each one!