Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Day 23: Tuesday {12/21/10}

Today was a crazy day!

We spent the entire day wondering if Gigi (my mom) was ever going to get here!!

Her flight was delayed out of DFW which caused her to miss her connecting flight in Chicago!

Thankfully she got on another flight but that one was delayed over and over again.

I think she ended up spending about 6 hours in the Chicago airport!

She finally arrived here around 7:00pm, 6 hours later than scheduled.

The boys never got naps and I never made it to the Y because we spent the entire day thinking that we were about to leave to go pick her up.

And then the plans would change, yet again.

We did accomplish alot around the house.

And we got to do one super-fun thing to pass the time...

We built our 1st snowman!!!

Workout Routine for today---

Since I never made it to the Y, I climbed 100 stairs at home today!

Spiritual Reflections for today---

Is this not the sweetest picture you have ever seen?

I caught Little E intently playing with the nativity scene.

I watched him quietly for as long as he played.

I will treasure this memory forever.

My baby playing with the Christmas baby and calling him "Jesus."

We could all learn a lesson.

Where is your focus this Christmas?

"And she will bear a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for it is He who will save His people from their sins." (Matthew 1:21)

Prayer for today---

Lord, thank you for sending your Son to save us. I praise you that my son recognizes the baby Jesus. Help us all to have faith like a child. Amen.

(And yes, I posted this on the main page so that you could see my cute pics!)

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