Thursday, December 16, 2010

Merry Christmas {Donations Update}

I wanted to take a moment to wish ya'll a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

Before I sign off for the season.

Or for the year I guess I should say.

I am going to take a break from blogging until after the New Year so that I can focus on my family and celebrate the arrival of Our Savior!

I also have alot of other things that need to get done around here such as finishing sending out Christmas cards, finishing shopping for and wrapping gifts, recovering from our 6th set of overnight(s) guests this fall and preparing for our 7th set of overnight(s) guests (we have had vistors in our house just about every 2 weeks for the past 3 months...pretty much ever since we moved into this house).

The house is always a disaster! (and the kids too)

Not to mention all the ministry stuff that I need to wrap up for the year.

How come the to-do lists always get longer instead of shorter?

I will finish out my 25 Days of Fitness posts (6 days left) as promised.

Any other ministry updates will be posted on my Facebook page and on my Twitter page so you can follow along there.

The deadline for Christmas orders has passed but if you really want to give a gift from WOTP, you can purchase a $25 gift certificate in our Online Shop which we will email to you.

If you need a different denomination just send me an email at and we will get that for you.

A BIG THANKS to everyone who participated in our Chosen Child Adoption Auction!!!

Grand total raised for our adoption families was $1425.00!

You also helped us raise $507.50 for our adoption families through the sales of our Chosen Child {Adoption Band} this year! (this does not include the $ raised through the sales of the Chosen Necklace and the Chosen Child {t-shirts})

You helped 1 of our adoption families bring their child home this year!

And finally, you helped us donate 57 baby gifts to moms in need this year!

We could never thank you enough.

We hope you and yours have a magical Christmas and a wonderful New Year!

May God bless you as you seek Him in 2011!

By the way, we will definitely be having a white Christmas here thanks to Blizzard Aiden!

Check out these pictures:

Oh and the temperature yesterday morning was -12 degrees!

Why did we leave Texas again?

Merry Christmas from Wisconsin!

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. (Isaiah 9:6)

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