Friday, January 28, 2011

Fit Fridays {linky party}

Alright peeps, it's time to kick it into high-gear with our fitness goals!!

I'm sure some of you out there have already broken your New Year's fitness resolutions and I have not even started!

I did well through the holidays with 25 Days of Fitness but since then I have not really gotten back into a fitness regimen!

Now's the time and I need you to help keep me accountable!

So, here's the deal---every Friday I am going to post what I did the week before regarding health, fitness, diet, nutrition, etc and I want you to link-up with what you did!

Also, please link-up with things that "work for you" fitness-wise. It can be anything from healthy recipes to workout routines to favorite Y classes to diets to motivation to nutrition---you name it!

I am also going to post what I did for spiritual fitness each week and would love for you to do the same!

It is important for us to not only keep our bodies healthy but also our relationships with God!

Put our blog button on your blog to make it easy for you to link-up each week!

And finally, we would LOVE to see pictures of you (or people you know) using our products---fit bands, fit cards, headbands, lanyards, wristlets, t-shirts, waterbottles, shoes, etc!

Email your pictures to and I will post them here every Friday!

If you do not have any of our products, go HERE for a chance to win one of our super-cute, handy Fit Bands {Wristlet Keychains}!!

You have until Thursday 1/3/11 to link-up to this party and then Friday 1/4/11 we will have a new Fit Fridays {linky party} for you to link-up to!

So make sure to check back each week and join in the fun!!

As always, keep everything family-friendly and I will post highlights from things that I learned from you the week before!!

Make sure to link directly to your Fit Fridays post and not just to your blog in general!

If you do not have a blog, leave your thoughts in the comments section under this post!

Can't wait to see what you come up with that I can use!


  1. Hey, how do I get the URL to a post alone on your blog? Wanted to share this with my brother but can't find the link to this exact post. This seams to be the case for every post on your blog. Usually I can click on the title and get the url for the post alone. Not the case on your blog. Every post comes up Thanks!

  2. I don't know what's up with that---I can't get it to work either without signing in and going to view posts! I will have to see if MJ knows why---it must be a setting?

    Here is the direct link---

    I'm glad you reminded me, I need to put your brother's blog button on our sidebar.


  3. Have you ever checked out It's free and helped me lose 40 lbs!


What are your thoughts? Please leave a comment. I love reading them and I try to respond to each one!