Monday, January 31, 2011

mom2mom {linky party}: Handprint Valentine Hearts

It’s almost February and you know what that means...time to make valentines! Since Grayson is still small, I love any craft that involves his hand print! Our valentines are headed to Grayson’s grandparents who all live pretty far away. So, if you’re one of his grandparents, stop reading now. :)
We took advantage of a little down time and made ours a little bit early. Here’s what you need to make these handprint valentines:
  • Paper: We used watercolor paper, because we had it on hand and it’s a little thicker than regular cardstock so it might have a chance of holding up in the mail.

  • 2 colors of washable paint: This is the paint that we used. You could use poster paint if you have older kids, but why take the risk of having red paint stain your kiddos’ cute clothes?
  • Baby wipes: it helps to have these handy to wipe the paint off when you’re done with the first handprint.
  • Paint brushes
Paint one of your child’s hands and press it onto the paper. (It works best to have your child hold their fingers close together.) Repeat this step for as many valentines as you need to make. Let the first handprint dry! Grayson’s handprints didn’t take long at all to dry, using the paper and paint that we did. By the time we printed the last of our 8 valentines, the first was already dry.
Using your second color, paint your child’s other hand. Overlap your child’s fingers on the first handprint, making a heart.

Let your valentines dry. Now the possibilities are endless!

  • If your child is older, have them write the things he loves about his grandparents around the edge of the “heart”.
  • Choose a “love” Scripture to write around the edge.
  • Write a little Valentine’s Day message and date it.
  • These would also make a cute keepsake if you pop them in a frame like we did.
This craft is featured in Sidetracked Sarah's Valentine's Craft e-book, along with many other fabulous Valentine's Day ideas, including Cap Creations' Pop Bottle Valentines. Subscribe to Sarah's blog and she will send you the link to the free e-book.

Hope this helps you get a head start on your Valentine’s Day gifts!
Do you have any cute ideas for handmade valentines?
Or any other "mommy-tips" that you would like to share?
Link-up or leave comments!

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  1. cute idea!! and love this idea for a link up!!

  2. we did this yesterday! Very hard with an 18 month old and my 3yo just wanted to paint, but I got one done for each. Enough for daddy :D

  3. Oooh, I like the idea of making them for daddy!! That way I can frame them and keep them in my house---too cute to giveaway! :) Now if I can just get my 2 and 4 yr old boys to cooperate! ;)

  4. What a great idea!!!

    I just posted your blog link on my facebook page so all of my friends that are crafty can do this fun Valentine's Day idea with their kids!

    Thanks for sharing! Your blog is one of my favorites!!!

  5. Thanks for your sweet comments Tiffany!! And thanks for sharing our link---we really appreciate you helping our ministry grow!!

  6. So Cute! Would love for you to add to my Thursday Treasure Party:


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