Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sanctity of Life {Prayer Cards}

So today is Sanctity of Life Sunday!!

With that in mind, I would like to share something that I have never before shared on this blog.

Here is the short version:

At our 20-week appointment when I was pregnant with Little A, we found out we were having a BOY!!!!!

And then we sat in the waiting room for what seemed like eternity.

We knew something was not right.

FINALLY, the doctor called us in to tell us there could possibly be something wrong with our precious baby.

No need to share all the details with you at this point.

Basically, we were immediately shipped off to a specialist who we began meeting with frequently, getting to watch these high-powered sonograms of our child on a HUGE tv at every appointment.

He offered us all kinds of "tests" to see if his predictions (our fears) were a reality.

We politely refused, knowing we would keep this child for as long as God allowed and there was no reason to take any tests that had the potentional to harm him further.

And these are the words that came out of the doctor's mouth that I will never forget...

"If you are planning to terminate the pregnancy..."



Our God is greater and He has plans for this precious child regardless of the outcome.


Moving right along...we prayed for this child and God gave us the peace that passes all understanding for the rest of the pregnancy since we would not know for sure the condition of our baby's health until he was born.

We will never know if Little A was healthy all along or if God healed him.

But either way, here is one of my favorite pictures of our beautiful, perfectly healthy Baby A at 8 weeks:

Here he is today at age 4:

(thought this was an appropriate picture since the Packers have a big game today!)

And we have NO doubt that God does have great plans for him...he is as sharp, strong-willed and determined as they come!

And he is one of the many reasons why we here at WOTP have a VERY strong passion for the sanctity of life.

It breaks my heart to think that there are other women out there who were led by their doctors to make a different decision than we did.

It is God himself who is the Master of life and is His decision, not ours.

Of course we ALWAYS want to be sensitive to those who did make a different choice...we want YOU to KNOW that God is the ultimate forgiver and healer...He loves YOU...NO MATTER WHAT!

At this time, I would like to remind you of our Beautiful Baby Gift Ministry!

{for every baby gift purchased, we donate 1 to a mom in need through March of Dimes, Agape PRC, Life Choices and House of Hope}

You can read more about this ministry HERE.

We have a strong passion for moms whose children are in the NICU fighting for their lives.

We have a strong passion for teen moms who are fighting the fight alone.

We have a strong passion for moms who are in the midst of crisis pregnancies.

We want to help organizations who give these women every opportunity for a succesful pregnancy, delivery, healthy baby and quality of life.

Today, I would like to offer that same opportunity for each one of you.

If you (or someone you know) is in the midst of a crisis may be an unwanted/un-planned pregnancy....or a teen pregnancy...or a pregnancy that occurs in the midst of a divorce...whatever the case may be, we want to minister to you and to these women.

We would also like to minister to women who are dealing with post-abortion pain and trauma.

We created our Victorious Virtues Prayer Cards for every mom and mom-to-be, with these very woman in mind.

You can read more about these cards HERE.

Our dream is that every mother will eventually have a set of these cards.

And you can help us with this dream.

Please leave a comment letting me know if you would like a set of these cards so that you or someone you know can pray the biblical virtues over themselves or their child to come to the understanding that there is a God who loves them and their child and that He created that child and knew him or her before they were conceived in their mother's womb.

And that He is a God who forgives our past mistakes when we ask it of Him.

All you need to do is leave your email address in your comment and I will contact you with the details on how I will get these cards to you.

I would love to give them away.

However, these cards cost alot of money to produce.

Here is what I will do:

-I will giveaway 1 set to the 1st 10 people that leave a comment

-For everyone else who leaves a comment, I will sell you the cards at the cost of production and shipping which is $15 total (this will save you $10)

-For every baby gift purchased by MIDNIGHT (CST) tonight, I will donate 2 baby gifts to moms in need instead of 1. You can purchase the baby gifts HERE.

Please prayerfully consider how you can contribute to this ministry TODAY!

May God bless you as you serve Him!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful story! We faced a very similar situation with our youngest son...we turned down the invasive genetic testing, but did the ultrasounds, because we wanted to be prepared for whatever we would face and know what care he would need. We were offered an abortion numerous times, and the genetic counselor was surprised when I said, "This is my son, and he is my gift from God - I will cherish him no matter what." Today he is five years old and perfectly healthy.

    BTW - love the Fit Bands! I won the giveaway at Work, Wife, Mom...Life and am so excited. :) Your blog and your ministry are awesome!


What are your thoughts? Please leave a comment. I love reading them and I try to respond to each one!