Saturday, January 22, 2011

Sledding Fun!

So stir craziness has officially set in here in the frozen tundra that we now call home!!

We made it through December with no problem because we were distracted by all of the holiday activities plus we got to go home to Texas for a week!

January is a very different story.

It continues to get colder and my boys continue to get crazier cooped up in this house!

A few weeks ago, we tagged along with Big A to a networking event for Wisconsin Worship Pastors.

It was an overnight and the boys swam in the hotel pool and hot tub while Big A attended his event.

It was pretty cool to swim and sit in the hot tub while watching the snow fall outside!

Last week we finally had the chance to get the boys new sleds out that they got for Christmas.

They had an absolute blast sledding down the snow drifts in our yard!

So much so that we decided to take them to Fireman's Park to go sledding down a big hill and they LOVED it!

After going down a few times with Mommy and Daddy, they got up the confidence to go down together and on their own!

It was SO fun!

Big A and I had a blast fact, that was probably the first time in my life (that I can remember, at least on that scale) that I have ever been sledding...we don't get big snow hills in Texas you know! ;)

I wonder if the drifts in our own yard will satisfy them anymore?


This week I took the boys to the train museum again (we have a family pass for the year) and of course they loved it again.

We also had a playdate one day with a couple of the other SLC pastors' wives and their kiddos!

Yesterday we went on a little trip to Appleton and I took the boys to one of those inflatable places to jump some energy out while Big A visited with some friends' whose daughter was in the hospital.

I am already forming a list of other indoor activities that we can do over the next few weeks to keep us sane...

-indoor swimming at the Y

-open gym at the gymnastics place

-possibly story-time

-overnight trip to the Wisconsin Dells (indoor waterparks) with friends in February

-another trip to Texas in February (we are tagging along to see my family while Big A attends a conference and does some networking)

I am sure ya'll will hear of more of our winter adventures soon!

In the meantime, stay warm and sane! :)

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