Friday, February 18, 2011

Fit Fridays {linky party}

This post will be short and sweet because I am visiting my family in Texas so I do not have alot of time!

Have you heard of Spark People?

A friend left me a comment that this site helped her lose 40 lbs!!!

It is full of great health & fitness articles, nutrition information, diet plans, workout routines, etc.

And the great part is it is all FREE!!

Check it out HERE.

I am still spending alot of time on the elliptical!

{42} miles down {58} to go!

Please go HERE at anytime and make a donation to help me Bring Brady Home!

And finally---check out this picture of one of our happy customers from the show we did this past week at Rhea Lana's Children's Consignment Sale!

She is sporting one of our fashionable wristlets!

I will tell you more about this great event next week!

Remember to send me pictures of you (or people you know) using our products to so I can post them here on the blog every Friday!

Now it's your turn---link-up or leave comments with things that "work for you" fitness-wise!

Happy Friday Friends! :)

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