Thursday, February 17, 2011

Another New Family

Meet our 19th family!!!

Bret and Cadell

We are Bret and Cadell Walker from Lexington, Kentucky. We grew up in the same small town and fell madly in love in college. We’ve been together for 9 wonderful years (married for 4 years) and have been trying to expand our family for the past 2 years. We explored and experienced almost every infertility treatment there is and in the midst of shifting gears and preparing for a new treatment - we paused.

We began listening closely to our hearts, one another and God when we discovered what we both truly felt called to do - adopt. Once we made the decision to adopt; where to adopt from was an easy choice, we both strongly desired to adopt from Ethiopia. Our intentions to adopt from Ethiopia were driven by our love and respect of Ethiopian history, culture, and people. We were amazed by the country’s deep rooted Christian beliefs, the beautiful children and the large number of children in need of forever families.

We are so thankful to be a Worthy of the Prize family! Thank you all for sharing your hearts with orphans and adoptive families around the world.

We hope that you will join us on our journey to bring our daughter home.

Follow our story here:

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