Thursday, February 10, 2011

Livin' It Up: Superbowl Style!!!

So I have been terrible at updating the blog this week!

Monday we got the mom2mom {linky party} up a little late.

Tuesday I did not get the mom2mom {linky party} highlights up until Tuesday was literally almost over.

Yesterday I did not even post.

And here it is the end of the day on Thursday and I am just now getting this up.


I am tired this week.

I think it is all the elliptical miles catching up with me on top of the fact that I had 2 people in my house throwing up this week that I had to take care of plus I am dealing with my 4 year old's bowel movement problems, which I will share more about later---and we worked hard getting our Valentines ready and mailed!

Not to mention things are crazy here in Titletown this week post Superbowl Championship!!!

So of course I must take a moment to share a little bit about what is going on around here!

We were invited to 3 different Superbowl parties and narrowed it to 2---switching houses during halftime!

These are pictures I took at the first party---they had everything Packered-out!

Even the rice krispie treats were green & gold!

You can see the sign they painted on the snow in their yard---let me just tell you that this is not uncommon around town---there are SO many signs and shrines in people's yards, I could never take enough pictures to show you them all!

We had a super-fun night with friends!!

The kids were given all kinds of things from balloons to glow necklaces and we won prizes for predicting certain things like the score, who made the first touchdown, who made the first sack, who would be the MVP, etc etc etc!

After the big WIN, everyone went down to Lambeau Field to celebrate and fireworks were shot off downtown which we could hear from our house!

The next day people lined the streets from the airport to Lambeau Field to welcome the team home!

And Tuesday night people packed the stadium for the 2 1/2 hour Return to Titletown program despite the fact that it was only 8 degrees and the windchill was well below zero!

We watched all of these events from the warmth of our lovely home!

I'm telling you these people here are crazy about their Packers and I think there are many reasons including the following:

-Green Bay is the smallest NFL town
-The team is owned by the city (yes you read that correctly)
-And the legend of the great Vince Lombardi lives on

And I must say admit we have only been here 6 months but I can see there is something special about this town and this team!

And of course I am (and have always been) a HUGE Lombardi fan!

I am SO glad that the Packers were able to bring the trophy home!!

Oh and remember the house that has the goal post in their yard?

I told you about it HERE.

Well, here are two of the sayings that have been displayed this week:

Happy Days Are Here Again

The Aaron Era Has Begun

And I think these say it all!

One parting thought---

What did you think about the half-time show??

It was funny because on FB I saw lots of comments that it was the WORST ever and lots of comments that it was the BEST ever---with nothing in between!

So, what did you think?

I don't really have an opinion because we were too busy switching houses, although I do LOVE the Black Eyed Peas and Usher so I probably would have liked it??

Leave me some comments!

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