Monday, February 7, 2011

mom2mom {linky party}: Boredom Busters

At last count, we have over 40 days until Spring! 41 more days of cabin fever, runny noses, and pleas of “I’m bored, Mom! Can we please find something to do?”

Just as I was starting to feel a little sorry for myself, I came across this quote.

As a stay-at-home momma, I don’t look forward to having just another ordinary day at home. But, think about those around us who are going through chemotherapy, dealing with the loss of a loved one, an illness, a heartbreak, or a financial burden…who would give just about anything for one of those normal days of wiping noses, scrubbing toilets, and making dinner. Let’s embrace those normal, ordinary days!

What a better way to embrace those days than to tackle some of these boredom busters with your kiddos!

  • Teach your kids how to cut snowflakes out of paper or coffee filters.

  • Bundle up and go for a walk! Fresh air does wonders for our kids’ attitudes…and our own.

  • Create a sensory tub: pour a layer of rice, beans, flour, etc. into a plastic tub and let your kids play in it! They can drive their cars/trucks through it, use cups to pour, use tweezers to pick up the grains/beans.

  • Make homemade play dough

  • Make your own ring toss game out of 6 water bottles filled with rice/wheat/rocks and “rings” made out of pipe cleaners.

  • Using a bag of “bendy” straws, make straw sculptures. Add marshmallows to the materials and it becomes snack, too!

  • Create Spaghetti Art: You’ll need cooked spaghetti noodles, paint, water, paper plates, and paper to paint on. Mix 1 teaspoon of paint and 2 teaspoons of water on a paper plate. Add a few noodles to each plate. Drop and swirl on the paper.

  • Go on an alphabet hunt around the house. Have the kiddos find objects that start with the first letter of their name.

  • Make a fort/tent and have a “read in”. Read favorite books and have a picnic lunch!

  • Give each child a balloon and see how long they can keep it in the air.

Do you have any "tried and true" boredom busters that have worked for you and your kiddos?

Or any other "mommy-tips" you would like to share?

Link-up or leave comments and let us know!

1 comment:

  1. Some things we do together:

    Play a board game

    Put on music and dance and be crazy

    Read stories in mom and dad's bed with me... followed by a tickle fight.

    Make a 'treat' together... cookies, cupcakes, etc. They have such a great time being able to 'decorate them' with sprinkles, candy, etc.

    Interview them about their favorite things.

    Take pictures together.. Let them take pictures of you and then giggle about the funny faces.

    I love your ideas :)


What are your thoughts? Please leave a comment. I love reading them and I try to respond to each one!