Friday, February 4, 2011

Fit Fridays {linky party}: Cardio for a Cause

I am SO excited to tell you what I have been doing for my workouts this past week!

My friend Cat of Cap Creations introduced me to a fantastic cause a few days ago.

There is a family who is raising money to adopt a little boy named Brady from Eastern Europe.

Brady has down syndrome and was abandoned at birth as most children with disabilities are in Eastern Europe and other parts of the world.

Apparently it is standard procedure that these children will be transferred from their orphanage to a full blown mental institution sometime between 4 and 6 years old where they will suffer and sometimes die due to the conditions.

You can read more about Brady and the Hartman family HERE.

My heart was immediately drawn to this family.

Only a few days before, we received a comment on the WOTP blog that said the following---

This is so awesome! My friend just found your site and sent the link to me. We are just starting our adoption process to adopt a little girl with down syndrome from eastern europe and I would love to be on your list and get involved with do I do that?

I thought the timing was interesting and I truly think these families are angels of God for adopting these precious children who need to be apart of a loving home, as any child does.

I was trying to figure out how to help this family when Cat sent me the link to a few of the fundraisers the Hartmans are doing to bring Brady home!

Cat said that one of them sounded right up my alley and she was right!

It is called Fit for February and you can read more about it HERE.

Basically, I have committed to doing the elliptical everyday in February to help this family raise money to bring Brady home!

I average 3 miles a day on the elliptical and my goal is to do 100 miles this month, which means I will have to do more than 3 miles somedays!

By the end of today I will have done {12} miles with {88} to go!!

It is going to be tough and I need your help!

Here are the ways that you can help me---

-pray for me that I will stick to my commitment---that each day I will make it fit with my schedule, that I will feed my body properly and that I will get the rest that I need to help me keep going

-make a pledge per mile or just a lump sum and donate it through the chip-in (Donate) button on the Hartman's blog Happy Hartman Farm

-pray for Brady and this family

-blog, facebook and tweet about this cause and my goal so that other people can help out too

-do the Fit for February Challenge yourself and get pledges of your own

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE leave me a comment on this blog or on the WOTP Facebook or twitter page to let me know how you will be supporting me in this challenge!

I will NEED your encouragement!

And as always, now it is your turn!

Link-up or leave comments of things that "work for you" fitness-wise.

Let us know what you are doing for physical/spiritual fitness each week or tell us what diets, workouts, Y classes, etc that you love!

You have until Thursday 2/10/11 @MIDNIGHT (CST) to link-up or leave comments on this post and then next Friday we will have a new Fit Friday {linky party} that you can join!

Don't forget to send me pictures of you (or anyone you know) using our products---fit bands, fit cards, headbands, wristlets, lanyards, t-shirts, waterbottles, bling shoes, etc so I can post them here on the blog on Fridays!

You can email your pictures to

Happy Friday Friends!!


  1. Count me in!! Love this family and little girl already!!! I'll pledge $1 per mile!!

  2. Bless you....Thank you....Tears!!!! God is so good! Thank you so much for supporting us by prayer and by spreading the word and by doing the Fit For February Challenge...You have blown me away today :)!

    The Hartmans


What are your thoughts? Please leave a comment. I love reading them and I try to respond to each one!