Thursday, February 3, 2011

New Family

I am excited to introduce our newest adoption family!!

Nat and Megan

Hi! Our names are Nat and Megan. We have the classic love story of the high school sweethearts who fell in love, got married young and have now been married for 7 years. Two years ago God blessed us with our loveable, comedic, home-grown little Monkey...and today we are anxiously awaiting the day we get to see our daughter's face, and bring her home from Ethiopia. Although OUR plans for our family included adoption in the FUTURE, we are so thankful that God placed the people and circumstances in our life that led us to adoption NOW! The journey of adoption has transformed our lives and our hearts in ways we never imagined. One of the hugest blessings has been the people God has placed in our lives BECAUSE of adoption! We feel so grateful to be surrounded by such a supportive community of family and friends. Thank you to each and every one of you who have become a part of our journey through financial support and prayer. To follow our journey and day-to-day lives, please visit!

I actually know Megan as The Domesticated Diva!

I was introduced to her about 5 months ago when she featured WOTP in her blog post entitled Arm Candy and listed us as one of her shops on her blog page Shopping For A Cause!

Skip ahead a few months and her mother orders a Christmas gift from us to support adoption in honor of her daughter and daughter-in-law who were both adopting!

And so was born a new relationship and a new adoption family for us to support!

Pretty cool!

By the way---the McLambs, Robinsons and Lovetts are no longer fundraising with us---the McLambs brought their baby home (which I blogged about), the Robinsons are pregnant (as I mentioned previously) and the Lovetts are finished fundraising and will bring home their children sometime this spring (please continue to pray for these families and I will keep you updated as to when the Lovetts have their children)!

God is good!

We have not skipped a beat however and have added 4 new families since Christmas---3 I have already told you about and 1 more that I will tell you about soon!

We are currently at 19 families---we will implement a wait list at 20 families so if you know anyone who needs help raising money for their adoption, send them our way ASAP!

Thanks again for your HUGE support in this ministry!!!

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